- 10
- 11
- 2
- 6
Highlighting breaks in type signatures
#101 opened by Fresheyeball - 2
Deriving via type constructor with Symbol argument
#126 opened by akrmn - 2
Highlighting broken in export list after exporting an infix type constructor with explicit list of constructors
#125 opened by Lysxia - 1
Pasting indented code
#119 opened by rogerbosman - 1
Existential quantification support
#124 opened by MatthijsBlom - 1
- 0
#121 opened by domenkozar - 1
Highlight standalone deriving via
#120 opened by Lysxia - 2
- 1
- 1
'=' in a comment on the same line as the function signature breaks highlighting
#116 opened by OlivierSohn - 0
URI in quasiqotes breaks highlighting
#115 opened by lierdakil - 3
Type Signatures on New Line
#104 opened by ruhatch - 1
- 1
Syntax coloring in list comprehension expressions
#113 opened by jmayr71 - 2
Qualified quasi quotes displayed incorrectly
#111 opened by tfausak - 2
undefined Grammar's in the package settings
#92 opened by duimpera - 2
Pragmas like LANGUAGE and INLINE are case insensitive in GHC, but recognized by github viewer only when uppercase.
#109 opened by ethercrow - 3
Feature request: .hsig grammar
#107 opened by chris-martin - 1
Literate Haskell grammar (markdown-unlit variant)
#105 opened by dbaynard - 1
"Cannot find module './plugin-manager'"
#106 opened by ambarusa - 2
Data Kinds: Promoted data constructor notation
#91 opened by deiga - 2
Feature Request: special case for `undefined`
#102 opened by Fresheyeball - 0
Support for cpphs File Extensions
#103 opened by EarthCitizen - 1
Add hsc2hs source to snippets
#97 opened by SX91 - 2
- 2
Type-level strings not supported
#95 opened by DimaSamoz - 2
- 3
- 2
- 2
- 2
- 2
:: on a new line highlights incorrectly
#89 opened by quchen - 3
Bug in comment operations?
#86 opened by ggirotto - 11
Allow fat-arrow on a separate line
#81 opened by LukaHorvat - 12
- 3
Uncoloured pragmas
#83 opened by RuralSpaceman - 1
Function/value declarations that begin with "type" are highlighted incorrectly
#84 opened by ianbollinger - 7
Nested block comments
#82 opened by RuralSpaceman - 7
- 2
Installing “language-haskell@1.7.18” failed
#79 opened by ArtemKonichek - 1
Auto generation
#78 opened by AnthonyJacob - 15
- 3
'pure' keyword is not highlighted
#77 opened by minib00m - 1
Syntax lighting bug after "*" in inline code.
#76 opened by scmu - 4
Disable Snippets?
#75 opened by wiwa - 2
Installing “language-haskell@1.7.14” failed.
#74 opened by Kaiochao