
Update from v4.29.9 to v4.35.2 on Mac fails with this error

lukerobertson417 opened this issue · 6 comments

Updating to “minimap@4.35.2” failed.Hide output…

npm ERR! Invalid dependency type requested: alias

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/luke.robertson/.atom/.apm/_logs/2020-11-25T17_46_12_818Z-debug.log

a quick google search brings up this answer.

basically you have to update atom or npm

You are 100% correct. I deserve that.

Thanks, it worked after I updated atom.

I assumed that people who receive notifications for updating packages also received notification for updating Atom itself. Isn't that the case?

We can remove aliases to support old Atom versions.

I think that because the Atom app upgrade itself was broken on my machine, it wasn't notifying me to upgrade Atom (and thus it was causing successive failures for Atom plugins as well). Once I managed to fix the problem with Atom not updating, it resolved everything.

We can remove aliases to support old Atom versions.

I already did that but as a chore so no new release was created. 0b63073

We can just include it in the next release.
