- 1
- 1
How to contribute
#809 opened by ghxstweb - 1
HTMLDocument.registerElement is deprecated.
#804 opened by zachlagden - 5
Coadload Error
#808 opened by danhamill - 29
Minimap is not shown in Atom 1.56 and above - Linux
#795 opened by mzannoni - 4
No Settings for Minimap
#807 opened by umarmughal - 0
Distortion in large css file.
#803 opened by tomazcunha - 5
Minimap Toggle not run: Minimap not appear in Atom.
#801 opened by fjsrey - 9
Remove plugin decoration rendering order config
#759 opened by aminya - 0
- 7
Uncaught TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON --> starting at object with constructor 'TextEditor' | property 'decorationManager' -> object with constructor 'DecorationManager' --- property 'editor' closes the circle
#793 opened by sbrl - 2
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.'
#792 opened by PirKate - 10
- 2
color issues in Electron 9
#786 opened by UziTech - 5
- 11
Editor tab ‘blends’ into minimap if it is on left and multiple panes are open
#782 opened by bassamanator - 6
Autohide plugin not working anymore - what's the overall status of autohide?
#780 opened by ThomasLandauer - 5
Failed to activate the minimap-cursorline package
#778 opened by Astropoeta - 2
- 9
- 2
- 5
Amount of updates
#767 opened by m1ga - 1
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'DecorationManagement' of null is back with a friend
#770 opened by KalAvroniev - 3
empty lines are not shown
#768 opened by petKitsune - 2
Minimap has confilicts with other packages
#693 opened by maky-hnou - 1
- 7
atom crash after upgrade to v4.35.5
#731 opened by mohamed-alashry - 28
Overlayed minimaps
#724 opened by EricMaGo - 1
- 1
Make scroll indicator more visible
#723 opened by aminya - 6
- 2
Minimap softwrap and scroll indicator does not work in the recent version of Atom
#717 opened by aminya - 7
Uncaught InvalidStateError: Failed to execute 'drawImage' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The imag...
#702 opened by sanyuanya - 0
- 1
Unexpected minimap overlay
#688 opened by kawa-marcin - 0
Provide example of using the stand-alone mode
#687 opened by originalfoo - 1
- 9
Scroll bar position when toggling minimap off
#708 opened by gilbertohasnofb - 1
Error notification is freezing atom
#689 opened by monetteContensive - 7
lost minimap after updating to 1.44
#692 opened by vgkinis - 1
Mini-map will not display code in .hpp format.
#690 opened by 56curious - 2
- 0
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot destructure property `lineText` of 'undefined' or 'null'.
#701 opened by martinszy - 1
- 1
Uncaught error:tunneling socket could not be established casue = connect ETIMEDOUT
#691 opened by vikalpjain91 - 2
Uncaught InvalidStateError: Failed to execute 'drawImage' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The imag...
#698 opened by LuckyGlass - 1
Slow and sluggish scrolling
#699 opened by aminya - 2
minimap run too slow
#707 opened by yuanyuan12543 - 9
⚠️ ⚠️ Notice: Minimap-plus is an active fork ⚠️ ⚠️
#700 opened by aminya - 0
Taking too long to install
#697 opened by jm-dev0219