
Simple library for implementing and consuming evented APIs

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This is a simple library for implementing event subscription APIs.

Implementing Event Subscription APIs

const {Emitter} = require('event-kit')

class User {
  constructor() {
    this.emitter = new Emitter()

  onDidChangeName(callback) {
    this.emitter.on('did-change-name', callback)

  setName(name) {
    if (name !== this.name) {
      this.name = name
      this.emitter.emit('did-change-name', name)

    return this.name

  destroy() {

In the example above, we implement ::onDidChangeName on the user object, which will register callbacks to be invoked whenever the user's name changes. To do so, we make use of an internal Emitter instance. We use ::on to subscribe the given callback in ::onDidChangeName, and ::emit in ::setName to notify subscribers. Finally, when the User instance is destroyed we call ::dispose on the emitter to unsubscribe all subscribers.

Consuming Event Subscription APIs

Emitter::on returns a Disposable instance, which has a ::dispose method. To unsubscribe, simply call dispose on the returned object.

const subscription = user.onDidChangeName((name) => console.log(`My name is ${name}`))
// Later, to unsubscribe...

You can also use CompositeDisposable to combine disposable instances together.

const {CompositeDisposable} = require('event-kit')

const subscriptions = new CompositeDisposable()
subscriptions.add(user1.onDidChangeName((name) => console.log(`User 1: ${name}`))
subscriptions.add(user2.onDidChangeName((name) => console.log(`User 2: ${name}`))

// Later, to unsubscribe from *both*...

Creating Your Own Disposables

Disposables are convenient ways to represent a resource you will no longer need at some point. You can instantiate a disposable with an action to take when no longer needed.

const {Disposable} = require('event-kit')

const disposable = new Disposable(() => this.destroyResource())

Using ES6 Code

You can use the ES6 style classes from lib directory.

const {Disposable} = require('event-kit/lib/event-kit')