"Enable Atom-Typescript for JavaScript files" is always enabled
brettz9 opened this issue · 1 comments
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The setting "Enable Atom-Typescript for JavaScript files (experimental)" will not disable such that the setting is remembered after a reset.
Steps to Reproduce
- Click to get the setting "Enable Atom-Typescript for JavaScript files (experimental)" unchecked.
- Restart Atom.
Expected behavior:
See that the setting is not in effect and "Enable Atom-Typescript for JavaScript files (experimental)" remains unchecked after the restart.
Actual behavior:
The setting is still in effect (and "Enable Atom-Typescript for JavaScript files (experimental)" is checked again.)
Reproduces how often:
Atom : 1.51.0-beta0
Electron: 5.0.13
Chrome : 73.0.3683.121
Node : 12.0.0
apm 2.5.0
npm 6.14.5
node 10.20.1 x64
atom 1.51.0-beta0
python 2.7.15
git 2.21.0
Additional Information
Btw, though this is a beta version, I was getting the same issue on a beta version for a different version (1.47 beta0 vs. 1.51 beta0)