- 1
Document should be opened for completion
#153 opened by ryanvade - 1
- 2
- 1
find references project wide
#157 opened by albert200000 - 3
- 1
- 10
Suppress certain warnings for JavaScript
#144 opened by jbrew138 - 1
Find an alternate data tip mechanism
#159 opened by brettz9 - 1
Support for .vue files
#147 opened by angrykoala - 5
TSX syntax not recognized
#155 opened by eidellev - 4
v0.8.0 does not parse JSX in .tsx files
#145 opened by aergonaut - 2
activationHooks prevent ide-typescript from activating when using language-babel package
#151 opened by Sergeeeek - 9
Uncaught ReferenceError: reject is not defined
#149 opened by edarblanco - 1
[Feature] Add support for "compileOnSave"
#148 opened by ptusch - 5
Uncaught ReferenceError: reject is not defined
#142 opened by robertrossmann - 3
- 0
Problems when used together with ide-vue
#146 opened by edarblanco - 2
Duplicates in outline
#120 opened by amanxng - 9
Outline not working with ".js" files
#140 opened by DenysMb - 2
- 1
Feature request
#132 opened by ejgutierrez74 - 3
Cannot find name process
#141 opened by wolfy1339 - 2
TSLint doesn't obey the tsconfig.json
#135 opened by wolfy1339 - 3
- 3
- 1
Hyperclick jumps to non-existent file
#121 opened by Cxarli - 4
High CPU usage
#130 opened by wolfy1339 - 2
Uncaught Error: Connection is closed.
#118 opened by liumenglz - 1
When installing 0.7.9
#137 opened by adammenges - 1
- 23
- 4
It doeent work in Atom 1.30
#131 opened by ejgutierrez74 - 2
- 13
Failed to activate the ide-typescript package
#133 opened by rajanbhadauria - 7
Does ide-typescript work in new Atom?
#125 opened by xtuer - 2
Code formatting does not work.
#116 opened by prednaz - 1
Autocomplete prioritizes suggestions over snippets
#128 opened by ryanolsonx - 0
I'm getting a type script error on the last line of my return statement. i'm not writing typescript.
#126 opened by JonathanAaron - 1
Get Diagnostics on Save only
#123 opened by ghivert - 0
tslint.json extends rule not being picked up
#122 opened by mpace965 - 3
- 2
- 4
- 0
BaseURL detection or setting
#112 opened by vangogh500 - 1
stage 0 from babel
#110 opened by ibyteyou - 2
Warn about unused code
#109 opened by szmarczak - 1
Missing Symbol Find Support
#108 opened by linker-err0r - 2
Issue with ".es6" file extension
#106 opened by peterramsing - 0
imported node_modules packages not resolved if editor not opened at project root
#107 opened by aryzing - 0
Modules in NODE_PATH not recognised by IDE
#105 opened by elis