- 5
Support for cell separators '#%%'
#340 opened by 01tot10 - 2
Unmatched triple quotes causes syntax highlighting problems with Tree-sitter
#285 opened by maxbrunsfeld - 0
- 0
Python 3.10 Structural Pattern Matching
#335 opened by TabulateJarl8 - 3
- 3
Release a new version
#330 opened by aminya - 1
- 3
Escaped braces in f-strings not rendered properly
#329 opened by baloe - 1
Type annotations break function arguments coloration
#312 opened by Hellzed - 2
Support richer type annotations
#273 opened by shadow-light - 0
No indentation in snakemake file
#328 opened by RJBeng - 0
Issue with use of special characters
#326 opened by jessecob13 - 5
SQL syntax coloring in string literals broken for versions greater than 0.51.9
#306 opened by fgiamma - 0
- 1
re.fullmatch() is not supported
#316 opened by lEoNardoToP - 1
Must not highlight backslash chars inside RAW string
#311 opened by Alexey-T - 1
Failed to load a language-python package grammar
#310 opened by chbk - 5
Info boxes that shown from left side, don't hide
#308 opened by canturkm - 1
- 2
- 21
Atom 1.32 breaks syntax highlighting
#281 opened by hermidalc - 1
- 2
Two format string precision specifiers in one string breaks syntax highlighting
#305 opened by trvrmcs - 3
Fold code seems to be unstable
#301 opened by BinaryAura - 3
Atom crashing when changing if statements
#302 opened by djw1809 - 6
Atom Hydrogen error "unexpected EOF while parsing" for python `if` statement!? (but not other statements)
#299 opened by bridgesra - 1
- 4
no distinguishement for f-strings
#291 opened by dreamalligator - 5
- 8
Python not highlighted with tree-sitter
#283 opened by chbk - 2
- 6
Dot suggests autocomplete to self
#261 opened by ShadowLNC - 4
Python-elif and else not folding
#290 opened - 7
Using a variable as a default in a function definition causes inconsistent highlighting
#278 opened by TheElementalOfDestruction - 0
- 4
Atom freeze while open large file on Mac
#284 opened by orklann - 5
empty brackets in docstring breaks highlighting
#252 opened by fletchapin - 0
Not showing proper syntax colors for python
#259 opened by pga-odoo - 1
Request Module
#279 opened by bhavneet98 - 0
Request Module in Python
#280 opened by bhavneet98 - 1
Python code not running
#270 opened by RafaelZasas - 1
'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. [Finished in 0.123s]
#272 opened by uveshkhan - 2
- 3
- 0
toggle comment on folding procedures
#258 opened by zio-pietro - 5
- 1
- 2
`lambda:` does not highlight `lambda` as a keyword
#246 opened by Beefster09 - 4
Classname in Snippets broken after update.
#249 opened by malarinv - 0
SQL syntax coloring for string literals in Python
#251 opened by lpietrobon