
Store and retrieve properties associated with CSS selectors.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Scoped Property Store Build Status

Stores and retrieves properties associated with CSS selectors.

Currently, this library only supports the combinations of the following elements. More could be added pretty easily.

  • Element names: div
  • Class names: .foo
  • Simple attributes: [foo=bar]
  • Descendant selectors: .foo .bar
  • Child selectors: .foo > .bar


ScopedPropertyScore = require 'scoped-property-store'
store = new ScopedPropertyScore

# First associate some properties with selectors
disposable = store.addProperties 'some-description',
  '.foo.bar .baz':
      y: 1
      z: 2

      y: 3

# Then query properties based on a string description of a path in the DOM.
store.get('div.foo.bar p.baz', 'x.y') # ==> 1
store.get('div.foo.bar p.baz', 'x.z') # ==> 2

# Falls back to selectors matching an *ancestor* if necessary
store.get('div.foo p.baz', 'x.y') # ==> 3

# You can also remove properties via the returned Disposable