- 1
sort-lines package not intalling
#106 opened by jeymz27 - 0
- 1
Sort lines does not respect code folding
#104 opened by rsheldiii - 3
Sort by block
#65 opened by rodocite - 1
Feauture request: Locale aware sort
#101 opened by rotsee - 6
requested feature: reverse current order
#20 opened by edrex - 1
Ignore comments
#98 opened by envygeeks - 1
Enh: handle strings with or without quotes
#96 opened by eskhool - 22
Sort sometimes acts like case insensitive sort
#33 opened by hankhsiao - 3
key-value pairs (like JSON or JS objects) – shorter names are ordered after extended variations
#97 opened by matthias-ccri - 2
requested feature: uniq -c
#95 opened by zhugw - 5
Preserve the new lines between lines
#30 opened - 1
Package is not deactivated properly
#92 opened by winstliu - 6
Sorting uses whitespace
#67 opened by njlg - 2
Sorting international characters
#41 opened by mrodalgaard - 1
Feature: Sorting based on a portion of line.
#66 opened by vigzmv - 3
- 2
Bug: F5 sorts entire file, not selection
#74 opened by spanktar - 2
Natural Reverse Sort
#86 opened by mrbrahman - 2
Sorting css doesn't sort properly
#87 opened by themoonisacheese - 5
asciibetical sorting
#61 opened by thomir - 1
Feature: Sorting IP addresses
#73 opened by spanktar - 11
Sort by line length
#37 opened by magicznyleszek - 6
Shuffle is also needed. In this package?
#24 opened by xpol - 3
Unable to sort code alphabetically
#76 opened by demeralde - 0
Natural sort is not working correctly
#63 opened by freevius - 8
Removing duplicate lines on very large files causes Atom to become unresponsive
#59 opened by xixixao - 5
- 1
Default keybinding for F5 is very bad.
#71 opened by ericnewton76 - 13
feature request: YAML aware
#26 opened by aioue - 2
sort by "keys"
#57 opened by stryju - 1
Add the ability to sort by the selected text
#64 opened by dkniffin - 1
"Does not provide keyboard shortcuts by default"
#62 opened by entozoon - 3
Feature request...
#58 opened by onechrisjones - 5
JSON keys are sorted in wrong order
#25 opened by danieltian - 4
Does not sort in .md file
#53 opened by asbjornu - 8
- 1
Custom Sorting
#35 opened by filipekiss - 19
Sort ignores the selection.
#45 opened by tregusti - 2
Natural Sort
#47 opened by IS-smcleod - 5
Disable shortcut F5 when no lines are selected
#28 opened by Janghou - 8
- 11
- 2
Failed to load the sort-lines package
#32 opened by jhopper28 - 2
dash is sorted before colon
#46 opened by ismay - 3
Improper sorting
#40 opened by kirkstrobeck - 1
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getSelectedBufferRanges' of undefined
#29 opened by v-kolesnikov - 5
Failed to activate the sort-lines package
#38 opened by FRKodes - 4
case sensitive sort
#27 opened by jzinn - 1
border and border-radius sorting error
#22 opened by albertorestifo