- 2
Terminal is bricked
#91 opened by rjrobinson - 6
? mark in iterm
#32 opened by anupj - 0
- 0
- 8
VIM plugins stage takes three hours or more
#85 opened by dheerajchand - 0
Potential typo in require_brew() function
#65 opened by mrk-han - 5
Want Brewfile?
#39 opened by reijop - 2
Command line loading speed is too slow
#48 opened by Peng-YM - 2
Setting for saving to disk by default not iCloud has obliterated my local copies of Documents, Desktop, etc.
#51 opened by dheerajchand - 1
- 0
Support for Java things
#58 opened by jmfayard - 2
iTerm load times.
#57 opened by theMultitude - 7
Mac missing app icons
#30 opened by vmasrani - 2
Font installation from Homebrew fails
#50 opened by dheerajchand - 6
awk / dyld: Library not loaded error
#23 opened - 0
dirpersiststore in zlogout no longer needed
#22 opened by Tsuki - 1
Preferable option for passwordless sudo?
#35 opened by bedge - 1
Support for iTerm2?
#34 opened by lfbn - 2
Why are my .bash_aliases and .bash_profile ignored after the script is done?
#47 opened by Macilias - 2
Any thoughts to using "bat" inplace of "cat"
#44 opened by rjrobinson - 0
Terminal exits just after iTerm is launched
#41 opened by matandd - 2
installation freezes at
#37 opened by namank5x - 3
Auto-source .zshrc etc
#25 opened by SDooman - 3
How to add personal hosts to /etc/hosts?
#33 opened by lfbn - 1
dyld: Library not loaded
#31 opened by anupj - 4
- 1
- 2
- 4
General Question/Azure-cli
#21 opened by idkjs - 4
Font Issue
#20 opened by idkjs - 1
.profile no such file or directory
#19 opened by idkjs - 4
first time with this
#18 opened by prussiap - 3
Please put disclaimer up front
#11 opened by m45yang - 3
- 10
Icons print_icon... missing
#8 opened by uhlhosting - 1
- 0
failed to install maven
#4 opened by akhomyakov - 2
add a ?
#3 opened by publicarray - 3