toil - simple job queue for executing background tasks ====================================================== toil is a Python library that allows tasks to run in a background process either as soon as possible or scheduled for some point in the future. Create a client connection: client = toil.client('redis://localhost:6379/0') Send a task to be executed sometime: client.send('task1', {'some': 'args'}) Execute a task, and wait for the result: result ='echo', 'hello') Send lots of tasks to be executed sometime: client.sendmulti([('task1', {'some': 'args'}), ('task1', {'some': 'more args'}), ...]) Schedule a task to be run at some point in the future: client.schedule(datetime(2012, 1, 1), 'task1', {'some': 'args'}) client.schedule(timedelta(hours=1), 'task1', {'some': 'args'}) A worker process picks up tasks to run and can handle multiple types of task: def task1(arg): pass def echo(arg): return ''.join(reversed(arg)) worker = toil.worker('redis://localhost:6379/0') worker.register('task1': task1) worker.register('echo': echo) worker.run_forever()