
Manage Google Calendar events from Slack.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Slack ➕ GCal

A proof-of-concept Slack app that allows you to access your Google Calendar from within Slack.

Local Setup

  • Create a new Slack app with the desired slash commands.
  • Create a new set of Google API credentials by:
  • Fill in the Google OAuth credentials in ./config/bot.env
  • Start the app and database servers w/ Docker: docker-compose up
  • Run the database migrations: npx knex migrate:latest

Useful Endpoints

Endpoint Description
/auth-google/code Callback for completing the Google OAuth flow.
/commands/list-events Slash command endpoint for the /list-events command
/debug/ping Simple ping endpoint to check system health.
/debug/users Show a list of Slack user IDs that are currently registered. Should be disabled for production.


Command Description
/list-events List the next 10 events that occur in your primary calendar.