
Primary LanguageJava

Rider Co. By Prashant Saini

Carpooling Management System Overview:

  • Definition: Carpooling management system is a software platform that facilitates the organization and coordination of carpooling services, allowing users to share rides for commuting or travel purposes.
  • Features:
    • User Registration: Users can sign up and create accounts to participate in carpooling.
    • Ride Creation: Users can create ride offers or requests specifying details such as departure, destination, date, and time.
    • Matching Algorithm: The system matches users based on their ride preferences, location, and schedule to optimize ride sharing.
    • Communication: The platform enables communication between users for coordinating pickups, drop-offs, and other ride details.
    • Payment Integration: Optionally, payment integration can be included for handling ride payments, if applicable.
    • Ratings and Reviews: Users can rate and review each other after completing rides to build trust and reputation within the community.

Benefits of Carpooling Management System:

  1. Cost Savings: Users can save money on transportation costs by sharing rides and splitting expenses.
  2. Environmental Impact: Carpooling reduces the number of vehicles on the road, leading to lower carbon emissions and environmental benefits.
  3. Traffic Reduction: Carpooling helps alleviate traffic congestion by promoting the use of shared transportation.
  4. Community Building: The platform fosters social connections and community engagement among users who share common routes.
  5. Convenience: Users enjoy the convenience of finding compatible ride partners and coordinating shared rides through a centralized platform.
  6. Efficiency: The matching algorithm optimizes ride sharing, reducing detours and travel time for users.
  7. Flexibility: Users have the flexibility to schedule rides according to their preferences and adjust plans as needed.

By implementing a carpooling management system, organizations and communities can promote sustainable transportation practices and provide a convenient solution for commuters and travelers.

Here is the project structure:

project structure

Here is the FrontPage:




Here is Signup page:


Here is Login page:


Here is User Profile:

user profile