
Sample code for the ICS-43434 breakout board and the ESP32

Primary LanguageC++Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


ICS-43434 Sample Code

You can watch the wiring and build video (here)[https://youtu.be/VVGln_-XEgI].

Demo Video

The circuit board schematic and PCB layout are available here

This project demonstrates how to use the ESP32 with the ICS-43434 break out board.

You can buy the board on both ebay and Tindie:

There are two projects in this repository: i2s_sampling and server.


This is a simple node server that writes the samples received from the ESP32 to a file.


This project demonstrates how to use the I2S peripheral for high-speed sampling using DMA to transfer samples directly to RAM.

The current set of pin assignment in the code are:


Function GPIO Pin Notes
bck_io_num GPIO_NUM_5 I2S - Serial clock
ws_io_num GPIO_NUM_19 I2S - LRCLK - left right clock
data_in_num GPIO_NUM_18 I2S - Serial data