A voice-controlled robot using the ESP32 and TensorFlow Lite
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- 9
Task watchdog got triggered.
#17 opened by 2200913 - 0
backtrace error
#22 opened by salvatore1907 - 0
Compilaton errors- Where to start
#21 opened by Totalgeek9224 - 0
- 0
Warning: 'I2S_COMM_FORMAT_I2S_LSB' is deprecated
#19 opened by kalihunter07 - 0
Caution in Training Steps
#18 opened by Andrew-Ma-2001 - 0
training_spectrogram.npz is not found
#16 opened by gjohnson0720 - 0
scope resolution operator
#13 opened by Anugaradhawa - 0
ds-cnn and a few other tips
#15 opened by StuartIanNaylor - 2
Missing files and folders
#14 opened by Nicosh81 - 4
Voice recognition development
#12 opened by Anugaradhawa - 1
- 6
Problem in Generate Training Data Command
#9 opened by biccius - 1
i have question regarding alexa project
#10 opened by Anugaradhawa - 3
Dear atomic14: there are somes question need your help, please give me some advice, thanks
#5 opened by maoyanru - 1
FreeRTOS dependency is missing
#8 opened by omakood - 22
Dear Atomic14, I have some issue.
#7 opened by fabiodavide97 - 1
Dear Mr.atomic14
#4 opened by maoyanru - 1