Atomic Canvas

This package contains all of the front-end canvas api code for Atomic Jolt apps. It includes all front-end code that was previously in the client/libs/canvas directory.


You should install atomic canvas into each individual app not in the client directory. Just add as a regular dependency.

yarn add atomic-canvas


All of the code is found in the libs folder which has the following structure

-- constants/
-- action.js
-- helper_contants.js
-- middleware.js
-- reducer.js
-- urls.js

If you wanted to use, for example, libs/canvas/constants/accounts.js you would write the following:

import { connect } from 'react-redux'; 
import {constantName} from 'atomic-canvas/libs/constants/my_constant_file.js';
import canvasRequest from 'atomic-canvas/libs/action';

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  // Dispatch a request action
  this.props.canvasRequest(constantName, params, body);

connect({}, {canvasRequest})(MyComponent);

Inspection Script

Because you will often need to inspect the canvas constants you are using to determing what the type and required params are, an inspection script has been provided

Script Useage

We recommend adding a script to your package.json that looks like this.

  "scripts": {
    "ac": "atomic-canvas",

Then you can run yarn ac -- [options]. You can also just reference the script in your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "ac": "node ./node_modules/atomic-canvas/inspect.js",

The script accepts 0, 1, or 2 arguments. If no arguments are provided it will print out a list of all of the modules that contain the canvas constants, eg the names of the files in the libs/constants folder.

The first optional argument is the name of a file (without the extension) you want to inspect, for example you could run yarn ac -- accounts and it would print out the contents of that file.

The second optional argument is the name of the constant you want to inspect, for example: yarn ac -- accounts listAccounts. This will print out the information about that constant and give a code snippit to import it:

  type: 'LIST_ACCOUNTS',
  method: 'get',
  key: 'list_accounts',
  required: []
import { listAccounts } from 'atomic-canvas/libs/constants/accounts';