
PHP library to work with Atomic Reach API

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Atomic Reach PHP Library

PHP library to work with Atomic Reach API

The purpose of this document is to explain how to integrate with the Atomic Reach (AR) API.


AR API is based on Oauth and client's of the API will require the Oauth credentials (consumer and secret keys) to communicate with the AR API. After creating an account on Atomic Reach, the keys can be obtained in two different ways:

  1. By accessing the User's profile page - the keys are displayed and can be copied into your client code where API calls are made, OR

  2. By logging in from the API client and providing a callback URL. To do this, just open a new popup window with the following URL:


where YOUR_CALLBACK_URL = a URL on the client-side for the API to respond to. This will provide a login window where the User can provide their account credentials to authenticate with the API. The API will return both keys to your callback URL via GET parameters: key and secret. It is recommended that you safely store these keys in your application for further calls to the API and to avoid a User having to login every time.

Service Request

All service requests must be sent to:


Arguments are sent via POST parameters.

To simplify AR API integration, you may choose to use an AR API Client that you can download from our developer page.

See the sections below for more details on what services and methods are available and which arguments each service and method requires.

Service Response

All responses are UTF-8 encoded. Each response has an envelope that contain the following parts:

  • status (int, mandatory): possible values are 10: OK 20: INTERNAL ERROR 21: INVALID ACCESS TOKEN 22: THRESHOLD EXCEEDED 23: INVALID ACTION 24: INVALID DATA
  • error (string, optional): in the event of a non-OK status, this will contain a description of the error.

Other parts contained in the response will depend on the service call made.

Response Format

The response will be returned in JSON format (Content-Type: text/json).

Available Services

Here are all currently available services that can be called by using our AR API Client.


Adds a new post into the AR system.


  • text (string): body of the post.
  • teaser (string): introductory text of the post.
  • sourceId (int): content source ID.
  • segmentId (int): audience segment ID. This parameter is optional..
  • title (string): title of the post.
  • pubDate (string): publication date of the post. Must be in format yyyy-mm-dd.
  • url (string): url of the post.


Analyzes a given post, typically in a pre-publishing use, and responds with the results of the analysis. This operation does not save the post or the analysis results.


  • content (string): the text to be analyzed.
  • title (string): the title to be analyzed. This parameter is optional.
  • segmentId (int): the post audience segment. This parameter is optional.

Normal Response

data (Object)
     analysis (Object): object that contains the analysis results
          lc (Object): link count
               state (string): red, yellow, green
               valid (int): valid link count
               invalid (int): invalid link count
               total (int): total link count
               detail (Array[string]): invalid link list
          sm (Object): spelling mistakes
               state (string): red, yellow, green
               total (int): total spelling mistakes count
               detail (Array[Object]): spelling mistakes word list
                    string (string): the actual word with spelling mistakes
                    precontext (string): the previous word
                    description (string): the spelling type
                    suggestions (Object)
                         option (Array[string]): suggestion word list
                   url (string): link to an explanation of the spelling mistake (this URL may not be provided if the explanation isn't available)
          gm (Object): grammar mistakes
               state (string): red, yellow, green
               total (int): total grammar mistakes count
               detail (Array[Object]): grammar mistakes word list
                    string (string): the actual word with grammar mistakes
                    precontext (string): the previous word
                    description (string): the grammar type
                    suggestions (Object)
                         option (Array[string]): suggestion word list
                   url (string): link to an explanation of the grammar mistake (this URL may not be provided if the explanation isn't available)
          tg (Object): tags included on the text
                state (string): red, yellow, green
                total (int): tag count
                detail (Array[string]): the tag list
          so (Object): sophistication
                state (string): red, yellow, green
                detail (string): the audience match of the text (TOO SIMPLE/HIT/TOO COMPLEX)
                message (string): a message explaining the results
                paragraphs (array): the audience match for each paragraph
                paragraphDOM (string) : contains the delimiters that a paragraph could have. For instance, @p@, @li@ or @dd@. It is to highlight audience match paragraphs levels in the post.
                paragraphTeasers (array): the teaser text for each paragraph.
                paragraphDetails ( Array[Object]): details of the sophistication match, only relevant mismatches are returned {
                    index (string): index of this paragraph within all paragraphs in the text (base 0)
                    teaser (string): the teaser text for the paragraph
                    matchResult (string): the sophistication match for the paragraph (TOO SIMPLE/TOO COMPLEX)

          ln (Object): sentence length
                state (string): red, yellow, green
                measured (Object)
                     sentences (int): sentences measured count
                recommended (Object)
                     sentences (int): recommended sentence's length (minimum)
                     sentencesMin (int): recommended minimum sentence's length
                     sentencesMax (int): recommended maximum sentence's length
          su (Object): level of uniqueness of the content
                state (string): red, yellow, green
                percentage (float): level of uniqueness, expressed as a percentage (higher = better)
                detail (string): a message explaining the results of the analysis
                similar (Array[Object]): similar posts list
                    title (string): the title of the post
                    url (string): the URL of the post
          em (Object): level of emotion of the content
                state (string): red, yellow, green
                detail (string): a message explaining the results of the analysis
                dimensions (Array[Object]): emotion dimensions list
                      name (string): name of the dimension (polarity, force, or impact)
                      state (string): red, yellow, green
                      detail (string): a message explaining the recommendation associated with this dimension
          lr (Object): level of repetition of the content
                state (string): red, yellow, green
                level (int): level of repetition value
                detail (string): a message explaining the results of the analysis
          tm (Object): analysis of title
                state (string): red, yellow, green
                detail (int): number of title criteria met
                recomendations (array): recomendations to improve the result of this analysis
                message (string): Message explaning the reason for current state

No Content Source Response

When a user hasn't added a Content Source yet, or we don't have an Audience Profile for the user, the system will return the following for Audience Match:

[so] => stdClass Object
    [state] => red
    [detail] => UNAVAILABLE
    [message] => You don't have a target audience defined. Unable to determine your audience's sophistication level.

The values for paragraphs, paragraphDOM and paragraphTeasers will not be returned.


Adds a new content source into the AR system. This is necessary for reference in post/add calls.


  • title (string): content source title.

  • segmentDataJson (string): JSON string containing audience segments. For Example:

            "segmentName":"My Easy Segment",
            "segmentName":"My Academic Segment",


Available options for contentType are: Informal, Informative, Educational, Technical

Available options for audienceType are: General, Knowledgeable, Specialist, Academic, Genius


  • sophisticationBandId (int): content source ID.


Returns a list of the user content sources and their audience segments. This is necessary for reference in post/add and post/analyze calls.


sources (Array[Object])
          id (int): source id
          name (string): source name
          segments (Array[Object])
                    id (int): segment id
                    name (string): segment name
                    style (string): possible values: INFORMAL, INFORMATIVE, EDUCATIONAL, TECHNICAL
                    targetAudience (string): possible values: GENERAL, KNOWLEDGEABLE, SPECIALIST, ACADEMIC
                    isPrimary (int): possible values: 0, 1


Adds a new word into the user's custom dictionary.


  • word (string): custom word to add.


Removes the word from the user's custom dictionary.


  • word (string): custom word to remove.


Gets all the words from the user's custom dictionary.


words (Array[string])

PHP API Client

class AR_Client Provides Access to the AR API.

Public methods

function __construct(string $apiHost, string $key, string $secret) Constructor.


  • apiHost: URL to the AR API web service. For production environment must be set to: https://api.score.atomicreach.com
  • key: Oauth consumer key.
  • secret: Oauth consumer secret.

function init() Initializes the connection and makes the Oauth handshake in order to establish a proper communication with the server. You should always call this method only once before making calls to the server.

function addPost(string $text, string $teaser, int $sourceId, int $segmentId, string $title, string $pubDate, string $postUrl) Calls the post/add service.

function analyzePost(string $content, $title = '', $segmentId = null) Calls the post/analyze service.

function addSource(string $title, string $segmentDataJson) Calls the source/add service.

function getAudienceList() Calls the source/get-audience-list service.

function addDictionary(string $word) Calls the dictionary/add service.

function removeDictionary(string $word) Calls the dictionary/remove service.

function listDictionaries() Calls the dictionary/list service.

Public constants



$apiClient = new AR_Client("https://api.score.atomicreach.com", "f581a04067f5124109a0144009956ef3", "259d4d3ea6bac2170bfc4684552bd310");
// Initialize connection
// Add a source
$segmentData = json_encode(array(array('segmentName' => 'General audience', 'contentType' => 'Informal', 'audienceType' => 'General', 'primary' => true)));
$response = $apiClient->addSource("Test Source", $segmentData);
// If OK, add a post for this source
if ($response->status == AR_Client::STATUS_OK) {
    $sourceId = $response->sourceId;
    // Get audience data
    $response = $apiClient->getAudienceList();
    if ($response->status == AR_Client::STATUS_OK) {
        $segmentId = $response->sources[0]->segments[0]->id;
        $response = $apiClient->addPost("Test post body", "Test post teaser", $sourceId, $segmentId, "Test post", "2013-10-30");
        if ($response->status == AR_Client::STATUS_OK) {
            echo "Post added successfully";
        else {
            echo "Error adding a post: " . $response->error;
    else {
        echo "Error getting audience list: " . $response->error;
else {
    // Show the error
    echo "Error adding a source: " . $response->error;