
Easily compile your notes in markdown into static web pages.

Primary LanguageHTML

📓 Annotate

Easily compile your notes in markdown into static web pages. You can then deploy these static pages to your host of choice such as GitHub Pages, Vercel, Netlify, etc.


  • Automatic LaTeX support ($ for inline, $$$ for multi-line)
    • Coming soon
  • Table of Contents
  • Instant compilation
  • Easy deployment
  • Development mode (serve your HTML websites automatically using annotate serve)
    • HMR (hot module replacement) coming soon


Installation of this is quite simple. You can clone the source code and run it. Or, if you prefer a CLI tool, you can install annotate from npm.

npm install -g @atomdevelops/annotate

Once you've installed annotate, you can use it in your terminal.

annotate --help


The annotate CLI currently only offers two stable commands. Suggestions are highly recommended, you may leave them in the Issues tab.

annotate compile


Main command to compile your markdown files into statically generated, deployable HTML documents.


  • inputDir - Input directory containing the markdown files to be compiled
  • outputDir - Output directory where the HTML files should be compiled to


annotate compile inputDirectory/ outputDirectory/

annotate serve -d (directory) -p (port)


Automatically serve your statically generated HTML using Express to a provided port (defaulted to 8080).


  • --directory, -d - Directory to serve the HTML files
  • --port, -p - Port to listen to (if not provided, defaulted to 8080)


annotate serve -d outputDirectory/ -p 3000


A preview is currently unavailable.