
Atomist Rugs for Rug projects

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Atomist 'rug-rugs'

Build Status

This Rug project contains generators for creating a Rug archive project, editors to create a Rug archive project from an existing project, editors to add Rugs to Rug projects, and various Rug handlers. Most meta.


Rugs are typically run using the Atomist Bot in Slack. To run Rugs locally, you must first install the following tools:

Once those tools are installed, you can clone this repository and install its dependencies with the following command.

$ ( cd .atomist && npm install )


The AddLicense editor adds a LICENSE file to a project and license header comments to TypeScript files in a project.


A source code project.


This Rug takes following parameters.

Name Required Default Description
include No "" Comma-separated list of paths under which to search for files, search under all paths if empty
license No "aslv2" License to add, currently only "aslv2" is supported


Run this Rug as follows:

$ cd project/directory
$ rug edit atomist:rug-rugs:AddLicense \
    include=src,test \

This will add the ASLv2 license as LICENSE to the file and add a license header comment to all TypeScript files under the src and test directories in the project.


The AddLocalEditor editor adds an editor for modifying the local project, initiating a Rug archive if needed.


A source code project.


This Rug takes following parameters.

Name Required Default Description
editorName Yes Name of the editor to add, it should start with a capital letter and contain only alphanumeric characters
description No "an editor for modifying this project" A short description of what the editor will do


Run this Rug as follows:

$ cd project/directory
$ rug edit atomist:rug-rugs:AddLocalEditor \
    editorName=MyLocalEditor \
    description='does something useful'

This will add a Rug editor as .atomist/editors/MyLocalEditor.ts. If the project is currently set up for Atomist, it will also create the .atomist directory with appropriate initial contents like the manifest.yml and package.json files.


The AddTypeScriptEditor editor adds a sample TypeScript editor and corresponding test to your Rug project.


Before running this editor, you must have the following prerequisites satisfied.

  • A Rug archive source code repository set up for TypeScript


To run this editor, you must supply the following parameters.

Name Required Default Description
editorName Yes A valid Rug editor name between 1-100 characters, starting with a capital letter, and containing only alphanumeric characters
description Yes A description of the generator being added


Run it as follows:

$ cd rug/project/directory
$ rug edit atomist:rug-rugs:AddTypeScriptEditor \
    editorName=MyNewEditor \
    description="This is my newest editor... in TypeScript!"

This will add the files .atomist/editors/MyNewEditor.ts and .atomist/tests/MyNewEditor.rt to the project.


The AddTypeScriptGenerator editor adds a sample TypeScript generator and corresponding test to your Rug project.


Before running this editor, you must have the following prerequisites satisfied.

  • A Rug archive source code repository set up for TypeScript


To run this editor, you must supply the following parameters.

Name Required Default Description
generatorName Yes A valid Rug generator name between 1-100 characters, starting with a capital letter, and containing only alphanumeric characters
description Yes A description of the generator being added


Run it as follows:

$ cd rug/project/directory
$ rug edit atomist:rug-rugs:AddTypeScriptGenerator \
    generatorName=MyNewGenerator \
    description="This is my newest generator."

This will add the files .atomist/editors/MyNewGenerator.ts and .atomist/tests/MyNewGenerator.rt to the project.


The AddTypeScriptCommandHandler editor adds a simple TypeScript command handler and test to your Rug project.


Before running this editor, you must have the following prerequisites satisfied.

  • A Rug archive source code repository set up for TypeScript


To run this editor, you must supply the following parameters.

Name Required Default Description
handlerName Yes A valid Rug handler name between 1-100 characters, starting with a capital letter, and containing only alphanumeric characters
description Yes A description of the handler being added
intent Yes Message the bot will associate with this command


Run it as follows:

$ cd rug/project/directory
$ rug edit atomist:rug-rugs:AddTypeScriptCommandHandler \
    handlerName=MyNewCommandHandler \
    description="new command handler" \
    intent="run this"

This will add a sample command handler at .atomist/handlers/command/MyNewCommandHandler.ts and corresponding tests to the project.


The AddTypeScriptEventHandler editor adds a simple TypeScript event handler and test to your Rug project.


Before running this editor, you must have the following prerequisites satisfied.

  • A Rug archive source code repository set up for TypeScript


To run this editor, you must supply the following parameters.

Name Required Default Description
handlerName Yes A valid Rug handler name between 1-100 characters, starting with a capital letter, and containing only alphanumeric characters
description Yes A description of the handler being added
pathExpression No /Tag() Path expression to the event in Atomist that will trigger this handler


Run it as follows:

$ cd rug/project/directory
$ rug edit atomist:rug-rugs:AddTypeScriptEventHandler \
    handlerName=MyNewEventHandler \
    description="new event handler" \

This will add the an event handler at .atomist/handlers/event/MyNewEventHandler.ts and corresponding tests to the project.


The BumpVersion editor increments one of the elements of the semantic version your Rug project, setting all trailing elements to zero.


Before running this editor, you must have the following prerequisites satisfied.

  • A Rug project with a .atomist/manifest.yml file having a version


To run this editor, you must supply the following parameters.

Name Required Default Description
component No minor Element of the semantic version of the project to increment.


Run it as follows:

$ cd project/directory
$ rug edit atomist:rug-rugs:BumpVersion component=patch

This will increment the last element of the version in .atomist/manifest.yml.


The ConvertExistingProjectToGenerator editor creates a valid Rug generator from the current project. It does not make sense to run this more than once on a project.


Before running this editor, you must have the following prerequisites satisfied.

  • A source code repository for a "model" project that does not have a .atomist/manifest.yml


To run this editor, you must supply the following parameters.

Name Required Default Description
archiveName Yes Name of the new Rug archive, typically the same as the repo name
groupId Yes Maven group ID, e.g., "company-rugs", typically the GitHub owner of the repo
version No 0.1.0 Semantic version of the project.
generatorName Yes A valid Rug generator name between 1-100 characters, starting with a capital letter, and containing only alphanumeric characters
description Yes A description of the generator being added


Run it as follows:

$ cd project/directory
$ rug edit atomist:rug-rugs:ConvertExistingProjectToGenerator \
    archiveName=my-new-archive \
    groupId=my-rugs \
    version=2.71.828 \
    generatorName=MyNewGenerator \
    description="This is my newest generator."

This will create a .atomist directory to the root of the project. The .atomist directory will have valid manifest.yml and TypeScript files, the generator script in editors/MyNewGenerator.ts, and its test in tests/MyNewGenerator.rt. You will need to install the node dependencies using NPM.

$ ( cd .atomist && npm install )


The ConvertExistingProjectToRugArchive editor creates a valid Rug archive in the current project. It does not make sense to run this more than once on a project.


Before running this editor, you must have the following prerequisites satisfied.

  • A source code repository that does not have a .atomist/manifest.yml


To run this editor, you must supply the following parameters.

Name Required Default Description
archiveName Yes Name of the new Rug archive, typically the same as the repo name
groupId Yes Maven group ID, e.g., "company-rugs", typically the GitHub owner of the repo
version No 0.1.0 Semantic version of the project.


Run it as follows:

$ cd project/directory
$ rug edit atomist:rug-rugs:ConvertExistingProjectToRugArchive \
    archiveName=my-new-archive \
    groupId=my-rugs \

This will add the file .atomist/manifest.yml to the project.


The ConvertManifestToPackageJson editor converts a maniest.yml into a package.json. After conversation the manifest.yml file will get deleted.


Before running this editor, you must have the following prerequisites satisfied.

  • A source code repository that does not have a .atomist/manifest.yml


This editor does not need any parameters.


Run it as follows:

$ cd project/directory
$ rug edit atomist:rug-rugs:ConvertManifestToPackageJson \

This will convert the .atomist/manifest.yml to .atomist/package.yml.


The NewRugProject generator creates a new empty Rug archive project. The generated project will have a .atomist directory and an appropriate .atomist/manifest.yml and TypeScript files, but no Rugs. If you want a simple way to create a more complete Rug project with a sample Rugs and tests, see NewStarterRugProject.


There are no prerequisites to running this generator.


To run this generator, you must supply the following parameters.

Name Required Default Description
Project Name Yes A valid GitHub repository name, which contains alphanumeric, _, and - characters
groupId Yes Maven group ID, e.g., "company-rugs", typically the GitHub owner of the repo being created is used
description Yes A brief description of the project
version No 0.1.0 Semantic version of the project


Run it as follows:

$ cd parent/directory
$ rug generate atomist:rug-rugs:NewRugProject \
    ruggery \
    groupId=persian-rugs \
    description="Rug archive to hold my Rugs" \

Note the first parameter, the projectName, is different in that you do not need to supply the name of the parameter, just the value. This is because the projectName parameter is required for all generators. This will create a directory named ruggery and populate it with a working Rug archive project. You can use the other editors in this project to add Rugs to the generated project.


The NewStarterRugProject generator creates a new Rug archive project using a standard layout and sensible defaults and adds the TypeScript dependencies, a simple TypeScript editor, a simple TypeScript command handler, a simple TypeScriptEventHandler, and tests. It is a great way to get started writing Rugs!


There are no prerequisites to running this generator.


To run this generator, you must supply the following parameters.

Name Required Default Description
Project Name Yes A valid GitHub repository name, which contains alphanumeric, _, and - characters


Run it as follows:

$ cd parent/directory
$ rug generate atomist:rug-rugs:NewStarterRugProject ruggery

Note the project name parameter is different in that you do not need to supply the name of the parameter, just the value. This is because the project name parameter is required for all generators. This will create a directory named ruggery and populate it with a working Rug archive project with a standard layout, TypeScript dependencies, a few Rugs, and tests. It will also contain supporting files, e.g., a license and code of conduct. You can use the editors in this project to add more Rugs to the generated project. Before you start editing Rugs, you should install the NPM dependencies with the following command:

$ ( cd .atomist && npm install )


The ShowLatestVerrsions command handler displays the latest versions of com.atomist:rug and @atomist/rugs in Slack.


This command handler has no parameters.


Run it as follows:

@atomist show latest versions

This will print the following output:

Lastest version of com.atomist:rug is 1.0.0-m.2 and @atomist/rugs is 1.0.0-m.3.
In .atomist/manifest.yml use:

requires: "[1.0.0-m.2,2.0.0)"

and in .atomist/package.json use:

    "dependencies": {
        "@atomist/rugs": "^1.0.0-m.3"

Latest Rug CLI version is 1.0.0-m.1.


The UpdateRug editor updates the Rug dependencies and support files of a Rug project to the values in this Rug archive project.


Before running this editor, you must have the following prerequisites satisfied.

  • A Rug project with a .atomist/manifest.yml file


This editor has no parameters.


Run it as follows:

$ cd project/directory
$ rug edit atomist:rug-rugs:UpdateRug

This will update the required version in the .atomist/manifest.yml file and the @atomist/rugs dependency in the .atomist/package.json file. It will also update all the Rug support files, see UpdateSupportFiles.


The UpdateSupportFiles editor updates the TypeScript support and build files to the latest versions.


Before running this editor, you must have the following prerequisites satisfied.

  • A Rug archive source code repository


This editor has no parameters.


Run it as follows:

$ cd rug/project/directory
$ rug edit atomist:rug-rugs:UpdateSupportFiles

This will update package.json, tsconfig.json, tslint.json, and .gitignore files to the .atomist directory in the project. It will also update the Travis CI build files under .atomist/build. It will modify the .travis.yml to make sure [Node.js][] is installed. You should update your Node.js dependencies after running this.

$ ( cd .atomist && npm install )


General support questions should be discussed in the #support channel on our community Slack team at atomist-community.slack.com.

If you find a problem, please create an issue.


If you are interested in contributing to the Atomist open source projects, please see our contributing guidelines and our code of conduct.


You can build, test, and install the project locally with the Rug CLI.

$ ( cd .atomist && npm test )
$ rug install

To clean up cached files run:

$ ( cd .atomist && npm run clean )

To return this project to its distributed state run:

$ ( cd .atomist && npm run distclean )

You will need to install its dependencies again after this:

$ ( cd .atomist && npm install )

To create a new release of the project, simply push a tag of the form M.N.P where M, N, and P are integers that form the next appropriate semantic version for release. For example:

$ git tag -a 1.2.3

The Travis CI build (see badge at the top of this page) will automatically create a GitHub release using the tag name for the release and the comment provided on the annotated tag as the contents of the release notes. It will also automatically upload the needed artifacts.

Created by Atomist. Need Help? Join our Slack team.