
Python interface for aenet

Primary LanguagePythonMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

aenet-python – Python tools for ænet

See also the documentation.

This package provides Python tools for the interaction with the atomic energy network (ænet) machine-learning interatomic potential software package. To learn more about ænet, see the ænet website and GitHub repository.

Common use cases for the tools within the aenet-python package are

  • Extraction of structures, energies, and forces from the output of first-principles calculations;
  • Interconversion of atomic structure formats, especially conversion to ænet's XSF format;
  • Manipulation of atomic structures, e.g., for generating reference data;
  • Operations on the featurized reference data produced by ænet's generate.x; and
  • Analysis of the outputs generated by ænet's train.x, i.e., from machine-learning potential training.


Install the Python package as usual, for example with pip

$ pip install --user .

To use the featurization capabilities, the main ænet package needs to be installed separately as described elsewhere. And aenet-python needs to be made aware of the ænet installation path, for example, using its interactive configuration tool

$ aenet config --set-aenet-path [path-to-aenet]

where [path-to-aenet] is the path pointing to the aenet root directory.

Structure conversion

aenet-python can be used to interconvert between atomic structure formats.

$ aenet sconv --format

Supported file formats:

Format      description                     read   write  extensions
aims        FHI-aims geometry.in format     yes    yes    in aims
aimsout     FHI-aims output file format     yes    no     out
ase         ASE's trajectory (traj) format  yes    yes    traj
atat        ATAT's structure format         yes    yes
cp          cp.x trajectory (QE)            yes    no     pos
crystal     CRYSTAL's fort.34 format        yes    yes    crystal gui
espresso    Quantum Espresso input format   yes    yes    espresso
gap         GAP reference structure format  yes    no     gap
lammps      LAMMPS atomic structure dump    yes    yes    dump lammps lmp
lammpsdata  subset of LAMMPS data format    no     yes    data
pdb         Protein Data Base format        no     yes    pdb
prism       Prismatic XYZ format            yes    yes    prism
pw          pw.x output format (QE)         yes    no
runner      RuNNer input.data format        yes    yes
tinker      Tinker XYZ format               yes    yes    tinker arc
vasp        VASP's POSCAR/CONTCAR format    yes    yes    vasp
vasprun     VAPS's vasprun.xml archive      yes    no     xml
xdatcar     VASP's XDATCAR format           yes    no
xsf         XCrysDen Structure Format       yes    yes    xsf
xyz         XYZ Cartesian coordinates       yes    yes    xyz

For more details, see the documentation.


If you make use of this package, please cite the ænet reference publication

[1] N. Artrith and A. Urban, Comput. Mater. Sci. 114 (2016) 135-150, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2015.11.047

If you are using the featurization tools, please also cite

[2] N. Artrith, A. Urban, and G. Ceder, Phys. Rev. B 96, 2017, 014112, https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.96.014112

[3] V. Gharakhanyan, M. S. Aalto, A. Alsoulah, N. Artrith, A. Urban, ICLR 2023, https://openreview.net/forum?id=4Hl8bjobpl9