
[DEPRECATED] ESLint config for our projects

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



This package provides Atomix's base .eslintrc config for ECMAScript 2017.


Our config bases on Airbnb's eslint config and Unicorn by Sindre Sorhus.


npm install --save-dev eslint babel-eslint eslint-config-atomix-base

Create .eslintrc:

  "extends": "atomix-base",
  "parser": "babel-eslint",
  "parserOptions": {
    "ecmaVersion": 2017

Add test script to your package.json "test": "eslint src lib bin"

If you don't want es2017 features:

npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-config-atomix-base
  "extends": "atomix-base"


Config extends airbnb-base and plugin:unicorn/recommended.

strict: off


Disable strict mode. You can manually enable it if required.

no-unused-vars: warn

{ ignoreRestSiblings: false }


Unused variables/functions/classes should be removed or commented.

semi: error, never


We don't write semicolons at each line. Only when needed.

no-confusing-arrow: off


Really? You can be confused with?

const x = (a) => 1 ? 2 : 3

object-property-newline: off

object-curly-newline: off

object-curly-spacing: off

https://eslint.org/docs/rules/object-property-newline https://eslint.org/docs/rules/object-curly-newline https://eslint.org/docs/rules/object-curly-spacing

Disabled because broken

arrow-parens: warn, always


As defined in Airbnb JS CodeStyle arrow parens should only for block body.

But when you add more params for lambda, you should add parens. Example:

-.map(value => rotate(value, 1))
+.map((value, index) => rotate(value, 1 - index))

It provides inconsistency.

// Good
() => {};
(a) => {};
(a) => a;
(a) => {'\n'}
a.then((foo) => {});
a.then((foo) => { if (true) {} });
const foo = (bar, baz) => ({ bar: baz })
const bar = ({ bar }) => bar.baz
const baz = (example) => {
  return 1
// Bad
() => {};
a => {};
a => a;
a => {'\n'}
a.then(foo => {});
a.then(foo => { if (true) {} });
const foo = (bar, baz) => ({ bar: baz })
const bar = ({ bar }) => bar.baz
const baz = example => {
  return 1

id-match: error, ^([a-z]([A-Za-z0-9]+){2,})|([A-Z][A-Z_0-9]+$

  properties: false,
  onlyDeclarations: true,


All identifiers should be camelCased and more that 2 symbols length. Constants can be SCREAMING_UNDERSCORED

// Good

let value = 1
const functionDummy = (argument) => {}
const CONSTANT_NAME = 123
class ExampleName {}
// Bad
const Value = 1
const function_dummy = (MySuper_Argument) => {}
const constant_NAME = 1
class example_CLASS_name {}

no-magic-numbers: warn

  ignore: [1, 0, -1],
  ignoreArrayIndexes: true,
  enforceConst: true,
  detectObjects: false,


Magic numbers is not descriptive. Please name it.

Exclude: 1, 0, -1, array indexes, object of numbers.

// Good

const TAX = 1.28
const Coeff = {
  A: 0.924,
  B: 0.759,
  C: 0.552,
  V: 0.308,
  Z: 0.116,
const val = myList[5]
const prev = myList[val.next - 1]

comma-dangle: error

  arrays: 'always-multiline',
  objects: 'always-multiline',
  imports: 'always-multiline',
  functions: 'ignore',


Not all environments supports comma dangle in function call/definition.

operator-linebreak: error, after

  overrides: {
    '?': 'before',
    ':': 'before',
    '&&': 'before',
    '+': 'before',
    '||': 'before',


We like write idented code and readable code in any line width.

// Good
const foo = condition
  ? firstResult
  : second + result

const demo = Foo.first
  || Foo.second
  || 'default value'

// Bad
const foo = condition ?
  firstResult :
  second + result

const demo = Foo.first ||
  Foo.second ||
  'default value'

brace-style: error, stroustrup


Because, 1tbs is so dirty.

// Good
function Demo(argument) {
  if (argument && argument.chained) {
    try {
      const result = Target.actionCall(argument, -1)

      while (!result.active) {
        result.status.to((status) => status + argument.value)

      return result
        .map((value) => value.resolver((res) => res[result.name]))
    catch (error) {
      return Target.chainCall(() => Target.wrapWith(argument, error))
  else if (argument) {
    const value = Target.wrap(argument)

    try {
      return value
        .resolver((res) => value.getProp(res))
        .map((value) => value.head())
    catch (error) {
      const rawValue = value.chain(Target.useRawSource)

      return Target.chainCall(() => Target.wrapWith(rawValue, error))
  else {
    const defaultValue = Target.wrap(Target.null())

    return defaultValue
      .resolver((res) => null)
      .map((value) => Target.useRawSource(null).value())
      .chain((fut) => fut.status.to((status) => 0))

// Bad
function Demo(argument) {
  if (argument && argument.chained) {
    try {
      const result = Target.actionCall(argument, -1)

      while (!result.active) {
        result.status.to((status) => status + argument.value)

      return result
        .map((value) => value.resolver((res) => res[result.name]))
    } catch (error) {
      return Target.chainCall(() => Target.wrapWith(argument, error))
  } else if (argument) {
    const value = Target.wrap(argument)

    try {
      return value
        .resolver((res) => value.getProp(res))
        .map((value) => value.head())
    } catch (error) {
      const rawValue = value.chain(Target.useRawSource)

      return Target.chainCall(() => Target.wrapWith(rawValue, error))
  } else {
    const defaultValue = Target.wrap(Target.null())

    return defaultValue
      .resolver((res) => null)
      .map((value) => Target.useRawSource(null).value())
      .chain((fut) => fut.status.to((status) => 0))

quote-props: error, as-needed


Use quotes only if needed.

// Good
const foo = {
  demo: 1,
  'foo-bar': 2,
  bar: {
    lock: 4
  baz: 3,

// Bad
const baz = {
  'demo': 1,
  'foo-bar': 2,
  'bar': {
    'lock': 4
  'baz': 3,

no-plusplus: off


We use it, because it good shorthand for some cases.

lines-between-class-members: [error, always]

{ exceptAfterSingleLine: true }


Add lines between class methods/properties.


class Foo {
  id = 1
  name = 'Foo'

  constructor() {
    // code

  toString() { /* single line */ }

  member() {
    // code


implicit-arrow-linebreak: [error, beside]


Implicit return in arrow function should be on same line.


const foo = () => 1
const bar = () => (
const baz = () => {
  const val = 3
  return 3


const foo = () =>
const bar = () =>
const baz = () =>
  () =>

padding-line-between-statements: error

{ blankLine: 'always', prev: ['const', 'let', 'var'], next: '*' },
{ blankLine: 'any', prev: ['const', 'let', 'var'], next: ['const', 'let', 'var'] },


Add padding line after let, const definitions.


const foo = 1
const bar = 2

runFunc(foo, bar)


const foo = 1
const bar = 2
runFunc(foo, bar)

no-await-in-loop: off


In Node.js LTS await in loop is native and optimized.

Enabled in react

no-restricted-syntax: off


In node.js we want to use "await in for" without Futures.


Enabled in react

import/no-unresolved: off


Because some projects use aliases or module resolvers.

But you can configure module resolver for eslint and enable it rule in your config.

import/extensions: error, never

always for: json, json5, less, css, scss, sass, styl, jpeg, jpg, png, svg, bmp, gif


Node, webpack, rollup not require .js in file path by default.

import/order: warn

  groups: [
    ['builtin', 'external'],
    ['internal', 'parent'],
    ['sibling', 'index'],
  'newlines-between': 'ignore',


Prefer order of your imports. To correct resolving internal and external modules configure module resolver.

import/newline-after-import: warn

{ count: 2 }


We separate our imports with main code with 2 empty lines.

import/prefer-default-export: off


Use named exports to resolve naming problem.

With default export you can implicitly rename import binding. And your import not found in search by project.

// foo.js
export default class Foo {}

// bar.js
import SomeAnyName from './foo'

With named import you explicitly rename import binding.

// foo.js
export class Foo {}

// bar.js
import { Foo as SomeAnyName } from './foo'

import/no-named-as-default: off


Rule is not resolving param-case naming of the files.

import FooBar from './foo-bar' // Correct import. But not solved by rule

unicorn/catch-error-name: error

{ name: 'error' }


Variable names like e, err, er is so short. Name should be comprehensive like error.

unicorn/no-fn-reference-in-iterator: off


Disabled, because we like functional programming and we check all changelogs before update dependencies.

unicorn/import-index: off


Disabled, because we like more descriptive paths.