
Vue 3.4 in Laravel 10. Minimal Vue 3 application with router, i18n, pinia store, form inputs, dark mode.

Primary LanguageVue

Vue 3 in Laravel 10

Minimal Vue 3 application with router, i18n, pinia store.

Install package

composer create-project laravel/laravel:^10.0 vue-app
cd vue-app
composer require atomjoy/vue

Overwrite files

Backup first routes and resources directory!

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=vue-config --force

Build and run app

npm install
npm run build
php artisan serve --host=localhost --port=8000

Remove package

The package is no longer needed.

composer remove atomjoy/vue

(DEV) Local repository import

Package directory: packages/atomjoy/vue

Laravel composer.json

    "repositories": [{
        "type": "path",
        "url": "packages/atomjoy/vue"
    "require": {
        "atomjoy/vue": "dev-main"

Vue3 npm packages

npm install vue@next
npm install vue-router@4
npm install vue-i18n@9
npm install --save-dev @vitejs/plugin-vue
npm install pinia
npm install @googlemaps/js-api-loader