ANSI & xterm-256 color text property translator for Emacs
Emacs LispBSD-2-Clause
- 0
- 1
Compilation filter without advice-add
#47 opened by PyB1l - 1
- 1
Add option to map terminal escape sequences to Faces, rather than just colours
#43 opened by appetrosyan - 9
Support bold colors
#17 opened by jgkamat - 4
Support org-babel
#40 opened by NightMachinery - 4
- 1
support output
#36 opened by luogni - 1
- 5
Can't color specific text in shell (M-x shell)
#29 opened by alexei-28 - 3
Standalone compilation-mode buffer support
#31 opened by seagle0128 - 3
- 2
#30 opened by cpitclaudel - 8
Performance of preoutput filter seems to grow exponentially to length of line.
#28 opened by zenspider - 13
- 7
How to install
#26 opened by Gooberpatrol66 - 2
Can't parse tput reset
#24 opened by azzamsa - 7
- 2
Colorize "ls"
#25 opened by alienbogart - 1
doesn't work for multi-term
#21 opened by kirk86 - 1
- 4
Consider making xterm-color--256 "public"
#15 opened by dieggsy - 2
Disable selected CSI codes in selected buffers
#20 opened by vapniks - 6
- 1
- 2
Very first eshell prompt loses colors
#16 opened by dieggsy - 1
xterm-color-filter should be autoloaded
#18 opened by darkfeline - 3
- 2
Contribute to Emacs?
#10 opened by phil-s - 2
- 5
can this work in compilation mode?
#3 opened by blaenk - 2
- 4
24bit color error
#5 opened by Pitometsu - 1
Suggested Patch
#1 opened by ErikKnowles