
Load the isbndb dump from Pirate Library Mirror into SQLite.

Primary LanguageGo


Load the isbndb dump from Pirate Library Mirror into SQLite.

  1. download the jsonl dump (torrent via tor)

  2. decompress it

    the file is ~19G

     ls -lah isbndb_2022_09.jsonl 
     -rw-rw-r-- 1 raffaele raffaele 19G nov  1 11:14 isbndb_2022_09.jsonl

    30 mil lines

     wc -l isbndb_2022_09.jsonl 
     30859865 isbndb_2022_09.jsonl
  3. build

     go build
  4. run and wait a couple of hours

  5. result: you get a 25G SQLite (5.5 zstd compressed)

     -rw-r--r--  1 raffaele raffaele  25G nov  3 13:08 isbndb.db
     -rw-r--r--  1 raffaele raffaele 5,5G nov  3 13:08 isbndb.db.zst


    sqlite3 isbndb.db .schema
    CREATE TABLE isbndb (
        isbn text generated always as (json_extract(data, '$.isbn13')), 
        title text generated always as (json_extract(data, '$.title')), 
        data text
    CREATE INDEX title_idx ON isbndb (title);
    CREATE INDEX isbn_idx ON isbndb (isbn);  


    sqlite> select count(*) from isbndb;

    sqlite> select * from isbndb where isbn=9788899970222;
    9788899970222|La Gabbia Di Vetro|{"isbn": "889997022X", "msrp": "0.00", "pages": 265, "title": "La Gabbia Di Vetro", "isbn13": "9788899970222", "authors": ["Colin Wilson"], "language": "it", "title_long": "La Gabbia Di Vetro", "date_published": "2018"}