WorldPay ASP.NET Fluent MVC Helper
Given the following model
public class CheckoutViewModel {
// Required Properties
public string InstallationId { get; set; }
public string CartId { get; set; }
public decimal Total { get; set; }
public CurrencyCode CurrencyCode { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Telephone { get; set; }
public string Address1 { get; set; }
public string Address2 { get; set; }
public string Address3 { get; set; }
public string Town { get; set; }
public string County { get; set; }
public CountryCode CountryCode { get; set; }
public string PostCode { get; set; }
With the following instance
public ActionResult Index() {
var model = new CheckoutViewModel {
InstallationId = "YOUR_INSTALLATION_ID",
CartId = "YOUR_CART_ID",
Total = 100.00m,
CurrencyCode = CurrencyCode.GBP,
Address1 = "10 Downing Street",
Town = "London",
PostCode = "SW1A 2AA",
CountryCode = CountryCode.GB,
Name = "Prime Minister",
Email = "",
Telephone = "020 7925 0918"
return View(model);
@using (Html.BeginForm(null, null, FormMethod.Post, new { @action = WorldPayUrls.Test })) {
@(Html.WorldPay(@Model.InstallationId, @Model.CartId, @Model.Total.ToString(), @Model.CurrencyCode)
.Address(@Model.Address1, @Model.Address2, @Model.Address3, @Model.Town, @Model.County, @Model.PostCode, CountryCode.GB)
<div class="form-group">
<button class="btn btn-success btn-lg" type="submit">WorldPay Test Checkout</button>
Results in the following HTML output
<form action="" method="post">
<input name="address1" type="hidden" value="10 Downing Street" />
<input name="amount" type="hidden" value="100.00" />
<input name="cartId" type="hidden" value="YOUR_CART_ID" />
<input name="country" type="hidden" value="GB" />
<input name="currency" type="hidden" value="GBP" />
<input name="email" type="hidden" value="" />
<input name="instId" type="hidden" value="YOUR_INSTALLATION_ID" />
<input name="name" type="hidden" value="Prime Minister" />
<input name="postcode" type="hidden" value="SW1A 2AA" />
<input name="tel" type="hidden" value="020 7925 0918" />
<input name="testMode" type="hidden" value="100" />
<input name="town" type="hidden" value="London" />
<div class="form-group">
<button class="btn btn-success btn-lg" type="submit">WorldPay Test Checkout</button>
@using (Html.BeginForm(null, null, FormMethod.Post, new { @action = WorldPayUrls.Live })) {
@(Html.WorldPay(@Model.InstallationId, @Model.CartId, @Model.Total.ToString(), @Model.CurrencyCode)
.Address(@Model.Address1, @Model.Address2, @Model.Address3, @Model.Town, @Model.County, @Model.PostCode, CountryCode.GB)
<div class="form-group">
<button class="btn btn-success btn-lg" type="submit">WorldPay Live Checkout</button>
Results in the following HTML output
<form action="" method="post">
<input name="address1" type="hidden" value="10 Downing Street" />
<input name="amount" type="hidden" value="100.00" />
<input name="cartId" type="hidden" value="YOUR_CART_ID" />
<input name="country" type="hidden" value="GB" />
<input name="currency" type="hidden" value="GBP" />
<input name="email" type="hidden" value="" />
<input name="instId" type="hidden" value="YOUR_INSTALLATION_ID" />
<input name="name" type="hidden" value="Prime Minister" />
<input name="postcode" type="hidden" value="SW1A 2AA" />
<input name="tel" type="hidden" value="020 7925 0918" />
<input name="town" type="hidden" value="London" />
<div class="form-group">
<button class="btn btn-success btn-lg" type="submit">WorldPay Live Checkout</button>
@using (Html.BeginForm(null, null, FormMethod.Post, new { @action = WorldPayUrls.Test })) {
@(Html.WorldPay(@Model.InstallationId, @Model.CartId, @Model.Total.ToString(), @Model.CurrencyCode)
.Address(@Model.Address1, @Model.Address2, @Model.Address3, @Model.Town, @Model.County, @Model.PostCode, CountryCode.GB)
.Add("accId1", "MERCHANTCODE2")
.Add("MC_SHOPPINGCARTID", Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
.Add("MC_CUSTOMERREFERENCE", "My Purchase Order")
.Add("MC_CUSTOMERID", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()))
<div class="form-group">
<button class="btn btn-success btn-lg" type="submit">WorldPay Test Checkout</button>
Results in the following HTML output
<form action="" method="post">
<input name="address1" type="hidden" value="10 Downing Street" />
<input name="amount" type="hidden" value="100.00" />
<input name="cartId" type="hidden" value="YOUR_CART_ID" />
<input name="country" type="hidden" value="GB" />
<input name="currency" type="hidden" value="GBP" />
<input name="email" type="hidden" value="" />
<input name="instId" type="hidden" value="YOUR_INTSALLATION_ID" />
<input name="name" type="hidden" value="Prime Minister" />
<input name="postcode" type="hidden" value="SW1A 2AA" />
<input name="tel" type="hidden" value="020 7925 0918" />
<input name="testMode" type="hidden" value="100" />
<input name="town" type="hidden" value="London" />
<input name="accId1" type="hidden" value="MERCHANTCODE2" />
<input name="MC_SHOPPINGCARTID" type="hidden" value="a2c6b0a9-178a-4743-8fde-66a70e7a138b" />
<input name="MC_CUSTOMERREFERENCE" type="hidden" value="My Purchase Order" />
<input name="MC_CUSTOMERID" type="hidden" value="1d1a5284-f872-402a-b2d8-f605a277a27f" />
<div class="form-group">
<button class="btn btn-success btn-lg" type="submit">WorldPay Test Checkout</button>
The helper defines the following WorldPayResponseModel class
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace WorldPayMvc.Models {
public class WorldPayResponseModel : WorldPayPaymentModel {
public WorldPayResponseModel() {
CustomProperties = new Dictionary<string, string>();
public string delvName { get; set; }
public string delvAddress1 { get; set; }
public string delvAddress2 { get; set; }
public string delvAddress3 { get; set; }
public string delvTown { get; set; }
public string delvRegion { get; set; }
public string delvPostcode { get; set; }
public string delvCountry { get; set; }
public string delvCountryString { get; set; }
public string compName { get; set; }
public string transId { get; set; }
public string transStatus { get; set; }
public string transTime { get; set; }
public string authAmount { get; set; }
public string authCost { get; set; }
public string authCurrency { get; set; }
public string authAmountString { get; set; }
public string rawAuthMessage { get; set; }
public string rawAuthCode { get; set; }
public string callbackPW { get; set; }
public string cardTyp { get; set; }
public string countryMatch { get; set; }
public string AVS { get; set; }
public string wafMerchMessage { get; set; }
public string authentication { get; set; }
public string ipAddress { get; set; }
public string charenc { get; set; }
public string futurePayId { get; set; }
public string futurePayStatusChange { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, string> CustomProperties { get; private set;}
So given the following inherited model
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using WorldPayMvc.Models;
namespace WorldPayWeb.Models {
public class CustomWorldPayResponseViewModel : WorldPayResponseModel {
public Guid MC_SHOPPINGCARTID { get; set; }
public Guid MC_CUSTOMERID { get; set; }
public string MC_CUSTOMERREFERENCE { get; set; }
Use the following Action to process the callback
public ActionResult Index(CustomWorldPayResponseViewModel model) {
// Password Check - Password is set in the WorldPay installation settings
if (model.callbackPW != "My Secret Password") {
return View("Error", model);
PropertyInfo[] properties = model.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
foreach (var property in properties.OrderBy(q => q.Name)) {
Debug.WriteLine("Model Property {0}; Value : {1}", property.Name, property.GetValue(model));
foreach (var keyValue in model.CustomProperties) {
Debug.WriteLine("Custom Property {0}; Value : {1}", keyValue.Key, keyValue.Value);
if (model.transStatus == "Y") {
return View("Success", GenerateSuccessViewModel(model));
} else {
return View("Failure", GenerateFailureViewModel(model));