
Drag and Drop for Dart web apps with mouse and touch support.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Dart Drag and Drop

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Drag and Drop for Dart web apps with mouse and touch support.


See Dart Drag and Drop Examples.

DnD Screenshot


  • Use any HTML Element as Draggable or Dropzone.
  • Mouse and Touch dragging.
  • Draggable events: dragStart, drag, and dragEnd
  • Dropzone events: dragEnter, dragOver, dragLeave, and drop
  • Drag avatars as visual indication of a drag operation:
    • Original element as drag avatar.
    • Clone as drag avatar.
    • Custom drag avatar.
  • Much more... see examples.


Note: You can always take a look at the examples and their source code.

Basic Set Up

Create a Draggable and give it some HTML elements; this will make them draggable. You can either pass a single Element to the constructor or an ElementList that is returned by querySelectorAll.

If you also want to drop somewhere, you'll need a Dropzone.

// Install draggable (no avatar).
Draggable draggable = new Draggable(querySelectorAll('.draggable'));

// Install dropzone.
Dropzone dropzone = new Dropzone(querySelector('.dropzone'));

You'll most likely want some drag avatar to show the user that a drag is going on. There are two predefined AvatarHandlers that you can use as follows. But you could also provide your own implementation of AvatarHandler.

// Draggable with clone as avatar.
Draggable draggable = new Draggable(querySelectorAll('.draggable'), 
    avatarHandler: new AvatarHandler.clone());

// Draggable with original element as avatar.
Draggable draggable = new Draggable(querySelectorAll('.draggable'), 
    avatarHandler: new AvatarHandler.original());

Draggable Options

The following options can be passed as named parameters to the constructor of Draggable:

  • avatarHandler: Is responsible for creating, position, and removing a drag avatar. A drag avatar provides visual feedback during a drag operation. Here are possible options (see above for an example):

    • null (the default) - will not create a drag avatar
    • new AvatarHandler.original() - handler that uses the original draggable as avatar. See OriginalAvatarHandler.
    • new AvatarHandler.clone() - handler that uses a clone of the draggable element as avatar. See CloneAvatarHandler.
    • A custom AvatarHandler - you can provide your own implementation of AvatarHandler.
  • horizontalOnly: If set to true, only horizontal dragging is tracked. This enables vertical touch dragging to be used for scrolling.

  • verticalOnly: If set to true, only vertical dragging is tracked. This enables horizontal touch dragging to be used for scrolling.

  • handle: If handle query String is specified, it restricts the dragging from starting unless it occurs on the specified element(s). Only elements that descend from the draggables elements are permitted.

  • cancel: If cancel query String is specified, drag starting is prevented on specified elements.

  • draggingClass: Is the css class set to the dragged element during a drag. If set to null, no such css class is added.

  • draggingClassBody: Is the css class set to the html body tag during a drag. If set to null, no such css class is added.

Draggable Events

Available event Streams on Draggable:

  • onDragStart: Fired when the user starts dragging.
    Note: onDragStart is fired not on touchStart or mouseDown but as soon as there is a drag movement. When a drag is started an onDrag event will also be fired.

  • onDrag: Fired periodically throughout the drag operation.

  • onDragEnd: Fired when the user ends the dragging.
    Note: Is also fired when the user clicks the 'esc'-key or the window loses focus.

Dropzone Options

The following options can be passed as named parameters to the constructor of Dropzone:

  • acceptor: Is used to determine which Draggables will be accepted by this Dropzone. If none is specified, all Draggables will be accepted.

  • overClass: Is the css class set to the dragged element during a drag. If set to null, no such css class is added.

Dropzone Events

Available event Streams on Dropzone:

  • onDragEnter: Fired when a Draggable enters this Dropzone.

  • onDragOver: Fired periodically while a Draggable is moved over a Dropzone.

  • onDragLeave: Fired when a Draggable leaves this Dropzone.

  • onDrop: Fired when a Draggable is dropped inside this Dropzone.

Note: Dropzone events are only fired when the Draggable is accepted by the Acceptor.


The MIT License (MIT)