AWS SAM Python Cookiecutter

A cookie cutter template for AWS SAM Python.

  • pipenv
  • pytest
  • black
  • pylint
  • mypy
  • pytest-pythonpath


sam init --location gh:atomraymaker/sam-python



Isort is enabled on save in vscode settings by:

"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.organizeImports": true,

Configuration is customized in isort.cfg to be consistent with black as per these docs (search for isort)


Using PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=true will create a .venv in the project folder. There is vscode config to reference the project python, black, pylint, and mypy rather than any global installs of these.


Due to how SAM packages code, it can be difficult to get imports to work in unit tests and also when deployed. Referencing CodeUri: app causes SAM to package everythin in the app directory. It doesn't include the app directory, anything in there ends up at the top level when deployed. This means that from app import module does not work when deployed, but import module doesn't work locally since it is nested in the app folder. Using pytest-pythonpath fixes this by moving everything in app to the top level, emulating the deployed state.