

The code in this repository was used to find putative introgressions in modern tomato genomes. This work is a part of a larger panSV-genome analysis. The code is written expressly for that analysis, and will not be updated or maintained for future use.


  • python3
  • numpy (developed, and run on v1.17.2)

Installation and Usage

There is no installation required. Just run python3 to see the following usage message.

usage: [-h] [-m 5]
                        <SVs.vcf> <chr_name> <group.txt> <SP>
                        <reference.fasta.fai> <100000>

Get Jaccard similarity between SLL and a comparison group.

positional arguments:
  <SVs.vcf>             SV vcf file with support vectors. Only one chromosome
                        at a time allowed.
  <chr_name>            Name of reference chromosome.
  <group.txt>           First column is the phylogenetic group (SLC, SP, GAL,
                        CHE, or SLL), second column is the accession
  <SP>                  Group to compare to SLL (SLC, SP, GAL, or CHE)
                        Fasta index file for the reference genome
  <100000>              Introgression window size.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m 5                  minimum number of SVs needed to calculate Jaccard