HonkMaster3 is a bot that build upon earlier HonkMasters, hopefully with less fail in the progress. Main purpose of a honkmaster is to relay messages from source X to Y.
$ ./honkmaster3.py irc -c config.ini
$ ./honkmaster3.py slackwebhook -c config.ini
Writing plugins is simple. The following creates a plugin with minimum required implemented functions.
import time
class MyPlugin(object):
__name__ = "MyPlugin"
def get_messages(self):
The bot will send the yielded messages to the targeted channel.
while True:
# yield 'test with a fairly long string of characters'
yield 'test'
__plugin_class__ = TestPlugin
If you need to implement an inbound message handler for the channel you simply need to add a handle_message
def handle_message(self, msg):