This plugin add two sql format for custom fields
- sql - format for simple sql-expression.
- sql_search - format for search sql query with form parameters
- Redmine 3.4.0 or higher
- Clone or download this repo into your redmine_root/plugins/ folder
$ git clone
- If you downloaded this repo, make sure to rename the extracted folder to
- Restart Redmine
- Visit Administration->Custom fields.
- Press the button New custom field. Select format Sql or Sql search.
- Enter sql query
You can use parameters for sql expression. sql format: support %id% => id of the customized object. This may be id of issue or id of project
sql_search Query must have field 'value'. This field used be as field value. format: support multiply forms parameters. Parameters must be written in jquery.
Simple 1:
"sql expression":
select subject as value, description as label from issues where subject like ? and description like ?
"sql form params":
Simple 2 (for MySQL):
"sql expression":
select subject as value from issues where id = if( ? ='new', id, ?);
"sql form params":
This expression window.location.toString().split('/').pop()
calculate issue id on form. For new issues calculated value = 'new'.
Query in sql search field can be executed by mouse click. Use parametr "search by click" in settings page.
view_customize/custom_field_autselect_first_value.js It is script for plugin "view customize" The script allows you to automatically select the first value for a custom field (drop-down list)
- Delete all custom fields with format Sql.
- Remove folder redmine_root/plugins/custom_field_sql
- Restart Redmine