
2023 Summer COMP1002 Group Project

Primary LanguageHTML


2023 Summer COMP1002 Group Project


Design, develop and launch on a public web server a small web site promoting an actual product or service of your choice that was on the market before the Internet. Make it convincing.


  1. Decide on an old product or service that was on the market before the Internet.
  2. Assemble or collect some promotional copy and images.
  3. Arrangethecontentintothefollowingpages: a. Promotion details (Why is this such a great deal?) b. Abouttheproduct/service(Whatmakesthisthingsogreat?) c. Rate or add comments or feedback about the product/service d. Support(HowdoIgethelpifIneedit?) e. Corporate information (Who is the company behind all this?)
  4. Construct the above pages into well-formed, valid HTML.
  5. Decide on an appropriate file/folder naming strategy.
  6. Include on each page a list of links to provide consistent global navigation across the site.
  7. Include a simple customer feedback form of some type.
  8. Add some simple JavaScript interaction.
  9. Use appropriate HTML elements to structure your content. 10.Construct an external CSS file to handle background-images, typography, colour and layout.
  10. Be sure to comment all code where appropriate (HTML/CSS/JavaScript).
  11. Format your code so that it is easy to read and maintain.
  12. Have someone proofread your completed site for spelling and grammar. 14.Ensure that all code is YOUR OWN. Do not simply take the provided example code and change the content and some CSS - the instructor needs to see your own work. 15. Upload the completed site to a web server.


  1. Attempt some interesting layout effects with CSS.
  2. Integrate an interactive CSS-based navigation system (other than the example used in our in-class work or labs).
  3. Incorporate some interesting server-side powered functionality.
  4. Include a simple rating utility.
  5. Anything else you can think of ... but make sure it is your own work.


Please upload your micro-site to a live web server and submit the URL to the project comment box. Only submissions that are functional on a web server will be accepted.