
Docker Datacenter provisioning in Ansible.

MIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role: Docker Datacenter

Build Status

Install Docker Datacenter (https://docs.docker.com/ucp) on RHEL/CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu servers.



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

docker_csengine_version: 1.11

The version of the commercially supported docker engine to install.

docker_ucp_admin_username: admin
docker_ucp_admin_password: admin

Login credentials to the docker universal control plane.

local_docker_ucp_subscription_file: "{{ playbook_dir}}/files/docker_subscription.lic"

The local path of the docker universal control plane subscription file. The file will be uploaded to the first controller node to the following location and mounted as a volume into the UCP installer container. To download the license file follow this guide: https://success.docker.com/Datacenter/Solve/How_to_download_your_Docker_license_key.

docker_ucp_subscription_file: "/root/docker_subscription.lic"

Overriding the following variables

docker_ucp_swarm_port: 2376
docker_ucp_controller_port: 443

it is possibile to modify the binding ports of the docker swarm and UCP controller daemons. Optionally, it is possible to specify a custom public interface for the UCP nodes, or provide a subject alternative name for the cluster nodes overriding the following variables using the proper Ansible facts:

docker_ucp_host_address: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4['address'] }}"
docker_ucp_san: ""

Extra arguments to the UCP installation utility, can be provided with the docker_ucp_extra_args

docker_ucp_extra_args: ""
#docker_ucp_extra_args: "--disable-tracking --disable-usage --binpack"

HA provisioning requires to dump from the first controller node some PKI and configuration informations. The path where to store these files can be customized acting on the following variables.

docker_ucp_backup_passfrase: ""
docker_ucp_backup_file: /root/ucp-backup.tar
local_docker_ucp_backup_file: /tmp/ucp-backup.tar



Example Playbook

$ cat inventory
datacenter-01 ansible_ssh_host=
datacenter-02 ansible_ssh_host=




$ cat playbook.yml
- name: "Install Docker datacenter"
  hosts: all
    - role: ansible-datacenter



Author Information

Andrea Tosatto (@_hilbert_)