
An application for allowing fast reading of pdfs by humans.

Speed Read

An application for allowing fast reading of pdfs by humans.


  1. Load PDFs and read the text inside them. (e.g. PDF books)
  2. Print that text into a single place on and flash new text in place of it.
    • This prevents eye movement and should increase the speed with which someone can read it.
  3. Allow setting the speed to read at via WPM. Internally adjust the speed it's printed to.
  4. Have a pause/play function.
    • This pauses the words flashing on screen.
  5. Have a jump back/forward a few words (e.g. 10?) button
    • This button can be pressed numerous times to stack it. So 3 presses would be 3 x 10 words jumped.
  6. Have a save/load functionality to remember where someone was in a book.
  7. Add the ability to load a page number and start at that part of the book.
  8. Create a frontend for this functionality. Perhaps a mobile app?
    • Could utilize the entire screen space and have someone just read from a dark screen with light text.
    • This should focus on ease of use and portability, so that someone could use it while, say, riding a bus.