Rancher Istio Routing

LoadBalancer Handling

This assumes you have a mechanism to provision an IP/ELB for services of type LoadBalancer. If you're in AWS, use the AWS cloud provider. If you're on bare metal or a hypervisor, consider using MetalLB or KubeVIP.

If you're unsure, after your Istio controlplane is created, look at kubectl get svc -n istio-system. If they are stuck in Pending, there is an issue.


For Istio to route with Rancher, you need to install Cert-Manager and create your certificate. For this example, it'll use a self-signed cert:

  1. Install cert-manager:
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.13.3/cert-manager.yaml
  1. Create cattle-system namespace:
kubectl create ns cattle-system
  1. Create cluster-issuer:
kubectl apply -f cert-manager/cluster-issuer.yaml
  1. Update cert-manager/certificate.yaml with your Rancher hostname.

  2. Create certificate:

kubectl apply -f cert-manager/certificate.yaml


Now, you'll need to install Istio and install the istio operator. You'll need istioctl, which you can download (here)[https://github.com/istio/istio/releases] (NOTE: You might need expand the Assets list. Make sure you download istioctl and not istio.)

Once you have downloaded istioctl and added to your path, do the following:

  1. Install istio operator:
istioctl operator init
  1. Update the istio/gateway.yaml/istio/virtual-service.yaml with your Rancher hostname.

  2. Create the Istio controlplane:

kubectl apply -f istio/controlplane.yaml
  1. Wait for Istio pods to come online (wait for ingressgateway and istiod):
watch kubectl get pods -n istio-system
  1. Create gateway:
kubectl apply -f istio/gateway.yaml
  1. Create virtual service:
kubectl apply -f istio/virtual-service.yaml


When you install Rancher, since the TLS certificate should already exist, use the flag --set ingress.tls.source=secret.