
Python wrapper to check A/V files for corruption using ffmpeg.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This library uses ffmpeg to check if a file (such as an mkv video) is corrupt. Any errors generated by ffmpeg when reading the file are assumed to be caused by file corruption.


pip3 install mediachecker

The ffmpeg command must also be available on your system (and PATH).


from mediachecker import AVFile

f = AVFile('some_file_to_check.mp4')
file_is_good = f.is_good()

By default, we only scan the first audio track of the file. This should be relatively fast. Alternatively, you can do:

file_is_good = f.is_good(method='full')

which will probably be slower.

If you want to see the output that was generated by ffmpeg, you can use write_log:

file_is_good = f.is_good(write_log=True)

This will save any errors to some_file_to_check.mp4.log.


Installing the mediachecker package also creates a command-line tool called check_media.

Run check_media -h for help using it. Example usage:

$ check_media -r -l /path/to/my/media/

That will recursively search for media in /path/to/my/media/, scan each file (using the default method), and write logs for all of them.


  • Add more command line options

  • Add more tests

  • Enable HW acceleration, e.g. ffmpeg -hwaccel cuda ...

  • Enable debug statements regarding progress, etc.

  • DRY. See if/how Tdarr does this.