Deep learning models trained to correct input errors in short, message-like text
- 4
'str' object has no attribute 'decode'
#17 opened by asingh9530 - 1
- 0
Shape (10, ?, 1, 512) must have rank 0
#31 opened by Sarathy-R - 10
- 2
- 4
'zip' object is not subscriptable
#16 opened by asingh9530 - 8
txt files and model.
#29 opened by muhammetfaik - 0
file not found error
#30 opened by Sarveshtiwari96 - 5
I am getting movie_dialog_train.txt not found Error
#15 opened by joelvarma - 0
'zip' object is not subscriptable
#28 opened by al-yakubovich - 0
module '_pywrap_tensorflow_internal' has no attribute 'TF_ListPhysicalDevices'
#26 opened by KishoreSelvakumar - 0
KeyError: 'UNK'
#25 opened by doudoubean - 2
- 3
I run decode ,then has a error
#6 opened by fiser321 - 1
- 1
KeyError: 'UNK'
#22 opened by eman226 - 15
Cannot replicate
#2 opened by rajivpoddar - 0
'Variable proj_w does not exist, or was not created with tf.get_variable(). ' on Google Colab
#20 opened by yourSylvia - 1
- 0
Problem in Run
#19 opened by yashsinojiya1898 - 0
how to train customize word :
#13 opened by niranjan8129 - 1
'zip' object is not subscriptable
#11 opened by ChristopherAnto - 9
Decoding is repeating the same word
#9 opened by johnnogent - 0
Result err
#12 opened by SongChenli - 0
train_path required for decode?
#8 opened by bittlingmayer - 0
Why lowercase in preproc?
#7 opened by bittlingmayer - 0
I run decode ,then has a error ?
#5 opened by fiser321 - 1
Module not found
#4 opened by DikshaRanjan