
Macro-energy model of joint power and hydrogen systems for long-term planning for power and hydrogen infrastructure following the blue to zero carbon hydrogen pathways

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Macro-energy model of joint power and hydrogen systems for long-term planning for power and hydrogen infrastructure following the blue to zero carbon hydrogen pathways.

Model Overview


Programming language

The model is programmed in GAMS and Python and solved using CPLEX.

Running model

Run model from MASTER.py. Main options to choose from:

Option Description
runOnSC False if run locally, True if run on supercomputer
coOptH2 False if run power system only, True if run joint power and hydrogen system
h2DemandScr Reference if use Reference scenario for hydrogen demand
interconn Three options WECC, EI (Eastern Interconnection), and ERCOT
reSourceMERRA True if use weather data from MERRA, otherwise use weather data from NSRDB and WIND Toolkit
metYear Year of meteorogical data. Dafult is 2012
h2Pathway blueToZero or Zero
buildLimitsCase 1: Reference, 2: limited nuclear, 3: limited CCS and nuclear, 4:limited hydrogen storage, 5:limited transmission
electrifiedDemand True if import electrified demand futures from NREL's EFS
elecDemandScen Level of demand electrification. Options: REFERENCE, 'HIGH', 'MEDIUM'
balAuths full if run for all BAs in interconn, state if run at state resolution
yearIncDACS Default is 2100- Year to include DACS - set beyond end period if don't want DACS
startYear, endYear, yearStepCE Year that planning starts, year that planning ends, and timestep (in years). Default is 2020, 2051, 15