Apache OpenNLP model educator

A simple tool that allows you to train OpenNLP model with just one command.

How to start using it?

  • Clone or download this repository from GitHub.
  • Make sure that you have Java installed java --version, otherwise download it from Java official website
  • In out/artifacts/OpenNLPEducator_jar folder start Command Prompt and execute java -jar OpenNLPEducator.jar input_file output_file training_iterations* cutoff*, where:
    • input_file - path to text file, that contains training data. Every new text for analysis should be on a new line and each line is represented as follows: mark[Tab]text
    • output_file - path to file where trained model will be saved (usual file extension is .bin)
    • training_iterations* - training iteration count (unnecessary parameter; default value = 30)
    • cutoff* - cutoff parameter value (unnecessary parameter; default value = 2)