
Docker image to run the nylas sync-engine

Primary LanguageShell

NYLAS Sync Engine

This docker images runs the nylas sync-engine in a a dedicated container. The sync engine provides a RESTful API to the nylas N1 mail client. More information about this products can be found on https://www.nylas.com and on their github repositories https://github.com/nylas/sync-engine and https://github.com/nylas/N1

It is designed to work with :

  • a mysql container linked with name mysql
  • a redis container linked with name redis

Running the container

To help running the sync engine, you can have a look to the sample docker-compose.yml provided in this project.

  image: nhurel/nylas-sync-engine
    - 5555:5555
    - nylas_part:/var/lib/inboxapp
    - mysql:mysql
    - redis:redis
  hostname: sync-engine
    max-size: "10m"
    max-file: "10"

  image: mysql
    - nylas_mysql:/var/lib/mysql
    max-size: "10m"
    max-file: "10"

  image: redis
    - nylas_redis:/data
    max-size: "10m"
    max-file: "10"


The sync engine uses its own hostname when saving data in the database and queries only datas matching its hostname. So, in order to be able to remove and recreate your container you must specify the hostname to the container. This is done by the docker-compose.yml file given or by using the --hostname parameter from the command line

First run

To prevent issues with database creation, it's recommended to start the mysql container first with :

docker-compose up -d mysql

Wait a few sec before starting the other containers with :

docker-compose up -d

Once the dtabase has been correctly initialised, further stop and start of the sync-engine can be done with the single docker-compose stop/up -d command to start the whole thing at once.

Database initialisation

At startup, the container should initialise nylas database. If it fails, you can log in the container and run the database initialisation script. Assuming your container's name is nylas-sync-engine, simply run :

docker exec -it nylas-sync-engine bash

Account creation

Once your sync-engine container is up and running, you can add your first email account by logging in the container and running the account creation script. Assuming your container's name is still nylas-sync-engine, simply run :

docker exec -it nylas-sync-engine bash
sudo -uinbox bin/inbox-auth your.address@gmail.com

Mind to run bin/inbox-auth as "inbox" user or command will fail telling to not run command as root.

Follow the instruction and exit the container when done. You can curl the /accounts URL to check your account appears.

Upgrading the engine

To upgrade this container to a newer release, simply :

  • Stop current container with docker-compose stop
  • Pull a newer image
    • If you don't know which tag you're currently running, run docker pull nhurel/nylas-sync-engine
    • To download a specific tag, run somethinkg like docker pull nhurel/nylas-sync-engine:0.4.51 and update the image in your docker-compose.yml file
  • Restart the app by runnng docker-compose start
  • Make sure the sync-engine database is up to date by running docker exec nylas-sync-engine bin/migrate-db

The last step will execute only one database schema change at a time. Repeat this step until it logs Relative revision +1 didn't produce 1 migrations.

WARNING : The upgrade scripts sometimes fail and you have to manually manage the database migration.