
A template using Go + Templates + HTMX

Primary LanguageGo


GOTH Stack

Go + Templates + HTMX

Deploy on Railway


  • Backend: Golang + Echo
  • Rendering: Golang templates
  • Style: TailwindCSS + DaisyUI (No JS Needed)
  • Content format: Markdown


  • Golang 1.22.0
  • macOS or Linux

Note to Windows users: This will NOT run in CMD or Powershell. Please use WSL, a Linux VM, or Docker to run this. No development effort will be made to support windows and no PRs to add support will be accepted.


  1. Run go get
  2. Duplicate the .env.example file and call it .env
  3. Fill out the .env values
  4. Run go install github.com/cosmtrek/air@latest to download Air for live reload
  5. Run air to start the dev server


Without Coverage: go test goth.stack/lib With Coverage: go test goth.stack/lib -cover