
Going through https://developer.apple.com/tutorials/sample-apps

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Going through https://developer.apple.com/tutorials/sample-apps

Image Tutorial Learnings
About me Tabs, Data model, modifiers, aspect ratios
Choose your own story Navigation view, links, popping to root has many different solutions
Date planner StateObject, EnvironmentObject, foregroundStyle, Identifiable, split view navigation and placeholder labels, trailing commas on lists
Organising with Grids Honeycomb grid layout
Editing Grids Dynamic number of items per row, Pluraliser, EditButton
Image Gallery AsyncImage, PhotoPicker, Task { @MainActor in } syntax

Meme Creator @MainActor on class level warning and workaround, async await for network calls, FetchError enum for custom error handling, a11y on images

Bubble Level CoreMotion, beginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications, device orientation handling, blendModes plusLighter and difference, tuple declaration syntax (roll, pitch) =
Seismometer Canvas, rotationEffect anchor, Slider min and max value labels
Recognizing Gestures simultaneousGesture to satisfy multiple conflicting gestures (magnify and rotation),
Tap, LongPress, Drag, Rotation Magnification gestures, GestureState,
randomize range syntax CGFloat.random(in: 40...250)
Animating Shapes Experimentation with animations to create explosions, etc