
👩🏼‍💻 A list of libraries, resources, tools, and more, curated by Hackbright Academy engineers

Awesome Hackbright

A list of libraries, tools, and other resources that Hackbrighters have used in their projects.

Are you a Hackbright alumna or student? Contribute to this repo and add your recommendations!


🐍 Python



  • SQLAlchemy — Vendor-agnostic database toolkit
  • GeoAlchemy— Adds extensions to SQLAlchemy to work with spatial databases
  • PostGIS — A spatial database extender for PostgreSQL

Clients & API Wrappers


  • requests — HTTP requests
  • Faker — Generate fake data
  • JSON Parser — Parse JSON data in any of a number of languages

Machine Learning

  • scikit-learn — A free software machine learning library for the Python programming language


  • osmnx — retrieve, model, analyze, and visualize street networks from OpenStreetMap.

✨ JavaScript


  • jQuery — JS Library for DOM manipulation & AJAX
  • lodash — Handy utilities to augment JS
  • moment — Datetime formatting/parsing
  • schedule — Python library for scheduling functions/jobs periodically

Frontend Frameworks

Animations & Interactivity

Data Visualization

  • d3 — JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data -Chart.js — Simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developers

🍴 Tools & Software

Text Editors

  • Sublime Text
    • Babel — Syntax definitions for JSX and modern JS
  • Brackets — Text editor aimed toward web design
  • Neovim — Vim, but it uses Python as its scripting language
  • Visual Studio Code — code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications
  • Atom — A free and open-source text and source code editor

Command Line

  • jrnl — Write journal entries from your command line
  • httpie — Like curl or wget, but better and more colorful
  • peco — Interactive filtering/searching
  • the silver searcher — Like grep or ack but faster/more performant
  • z — Shortcuts for fast and easy cd-ing


  • hyper.js — A JS-based terminal emulator
  • kitty — Fast, GPU-based terminal emulator


🍎 Resources


Awesome Lists