Deprecated Package

we don't activley use this package anymore as now overloading has become way more easy by requiring json data directly. By flattening key and exploding seperate files into the "resources structure" you can basically achieve the same if you want you i18next ressource bundled

import germanBaseTrans from './translation-gen/de/de-base.json';
import englishBaseTrans from './translation-gen/en/en-base.json';

const germanTrans = {

const englishTrans = {

      resources: {
        de: {
          translation: germanTrans,
        en: {
          translation: englishTrans,


npm install i18next-resource-store-loader

This loader generates the resStore config needed for i18next to avoid loading language resources via extra HTTP requests. It generates this config given a directory.


In this example we will assume the following file structure:

└── app
    └── src
        ├── assets
        │   └── i18n
        │       ├── index.js
        │       ├── de
        │       │   └── translation.json
        │       └── en
        │           └── translation.json
        └── js
            └── main.js

Use the loader in the following way:

// File: main.js
var i18n = require("i18next");
var resBundle = require("i18next-resource-store-loader!../assets/i18n/index.js");

  resources: resBundle,

// Use the resources as documented on

For older versions of i18n < 2.X, use the old property names while setting up i18n

// File: main.js
var i18n = require("i18next-client");
var resBundle = require("i18next-resource-store-loader!../assets/i18n/index.js");

  resStore: resBundle,

// Use the resources as documented on
// e.g. 'translation' namespace

And you're done! The index.js can be empty, it's just needed to point the loader to the root directory of the locales.

Advanced Usage


You can filter files in your file structure using include and exclude parameters:

// will only load files with json extension
var resBundle = require("i18next-resource-store-loader" +
// will skip files with json extension
var resBundle = require("i18next-resource-store-loader" +


In cases of customized applications it may be handy to have an easy way to replace particular parts of the res store bundle with customized values. The loader supports that by two query parameters.

// will replace everyhting from base with what is existent in override
var resBundle = require("i18next-resource-store-loader" +

This configures the loader to work on a file structure like the following:

└── app
    └── src
        ├── assets
        │   └── i18n
        │       ├── index.js
        │       ├── base
        │       │   ├── de
        │       │   │   └── translation.json
        │       │   └── en
        │       │       └── translation.json
        │       └── override
        │           └── en
        │               └── translation.json
        └── js
            └── main.js

Everthing from base/en/translation.js will be overridden with stuff noted in override/en/translation.js - partial overrides are possible.