
rsstool from berlios.de

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

<link rel="icon" href="images/icon.png" type="image/png">
<title>RSStool - README</title></head><body bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre><tt>
rsstool 1.0.0rc4 Unix (Linux) 2006 by NoisyB
This may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU Public License

Usage: rsstool [OPTION] FILE(S)... URL(S)...

Read, parse, merge and write RSS (and ATOM) feeds

Supports: RSS 0.9x, 1.0, 2.0 and ATOM 0.1, 0.2, 0.3

The RSS (or ATOM) feeds will be merged and re-sorted if you enter more than
one URL or FILEname

   -u=AGENT     use user-AGENT for connecting
  --curl        use libcURL for downloading
  --wget        launch wget for downloading
  --input-file=FILE download feeds found in FILE
   -i=FILE      same as --input-file
  --log=FILE    write a log to FILE (including HTTP headers)
  --since=DATE  pass only items (of feeds) newer than DATE
                  DATE can have the following formats
                  "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100" (RFC 822),
                  "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM", "DD MMM YYYY HH:MM",
                  or "YYYY-MM-DD"
  --fixdate     missing dates will be replaced with the current date
  --version     output version information and exit
  --help        display this help and exit

Strip & Sort
  --shtml       strip HTML code from descriptions
  --shtml2      like --shtml but keeps links intact
  --swhite      strip whitespace from descriptions
  --slf         strip line feeds/carriage returns from descriptions
  --sdesc       strip the whole descriptions from feeds
   -r           sort reverse

   -o=FILE      output into FILE (default: stdout)
  --pipe=CMD    pipe the output for a _single_ item to CMD
                  for used with --html, --txt, --href or --template2, only
  --rss[=VERSION] output as RSS feed
                  VERSION=1 will write RSS v1.0
                  VERSION=2 will write RSS v2.0 (default)
  --html        output as html
  --bookmarks   output as bookmarks.html for use with Mozilla or Firefox
  --href        output only the links as plain text
  --txt         output as plain text
  --csv         output as comma-separated values CSV
  --prop        output as properties
                  Layout: NAME_NUM=VALUE
                          NAME  will be "title", "url", etc..
                          NUM   will be an integer counting the items
                          VALUE will be the content
  --template=FILE|URL parse template file and replace tags with content
                  Tags: "<rsstool:url item=NUM>"   url/link of item NUM
                        "<rsstool:title item=NUM>" title of item NUM
                        "<rsstool:desc item=NUM>"  description of item
                        "<rsstool:date item=NUM>"  date of item NUM
                        "<rsstool:site item=NUM>"  site where item NUM
                                                     came from
                        "<rsstool:start item=NUM>" start of item NUM
                                                     will be replaced with
                                                     "<!--" if item NUM is
                        "<rsstool:end item=NUM>"   end of item NUM
                                                     will be replaced with
                                                     "-->" if item NUM is
                        "<rsstool:rsstool>"        rsstool notice with
                        "<rsstool:updated>"        rsstool notice with
                                                     version and date
  --template2=FILE|URL same as --template but repeats the whole
                  template for every single item
  --sql[=VALUE] output as ANSI SQL script
                  VALUE=092       RSStool 0.9.2 db format
                  VALUE=094       RSStool 0.9.4 db format
                  VALUE=095       RSStool 0.9.5 db format
                  VALUE="current" use current db format (default)
  --sqlold      same as --sql=095
  --joomla      output as ANSI SQL script for import into Joomla! CMS
  --dragonfly   output as ANSI SQL script for import into Dragonfly CMS

Report problems/comments/ideas/whinge to noisyb@gmx.net
