
Terraform module that creates a generic lambda function that will run database schema migrations for PostgreSQL or MySQL databases using Umzug

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Terraform AWS Schema Migrations

Latest GitHub Release

Terraform module that creates a generic lambda function that will run database schema migrations using Umzug for PostgreSQL and MySQL databases. If you need other engine support, please submit an issue or pull request (see contributing).

You will need to manually apply any schema migrations that take longer than 15 minutes (see AWS Lambda enables functions that can run up to 15 minutes)


  • Terraform >= 0.13
  • AWS Provider >= 3.0.0
  • Postgres or MySQL database


The following example is used in conjunction with the byu-oit/terraform-aws-rds module and the byu/terraform-aws-acs-info module.

module "schema_migrations_lambda" {
  source = "github.com/byu-oit/terraform-aws-schema-migrations-lambda?ref=v1.0.0"
  app_name = "${local.name}-${var.env}"
  migration_files = "migrations/*.mig.js"
  database = {
    identifier = module.db.instance.id
    ssm_username = module.db.master_username_parameter.value
    ssm_password = module.db.master_password_parameter.value
    name = module.db.instance.name
    security_group_id = module.db.security_group.id
  vpc_config = {
    id = module.acs.vpc.id
    subnet_ids = module.acs.private_subnet_ids
    security_group_ids = []

You will need to specify which files you'd like to consider for the migration. One way to accomplish this is to place all migrations in a single directory with a common suffix to separate migration files from other notes or scripts you might store with your migration files. For example:

Directory structure
├── iac
    └── main.tf
└── migrations
    ├── README.md
    ├── some-script.js
    ├── 1.0.0__init.mig.js
    └── 1.1.0__add_classes_table.mig.js
Schema Migrations Lambda Terraform Declaration
migration_files = "../migrations/*.mig.js"

The resulting set of files that the migration lambda would run would be:

  • 1.0.0__init.mig.js
  • 1.1.0__add_classes_table.mig.js

For more information on the pattern/glob matching syntax, please see the Terraform fileset function docs.

Migrations Files

Migrations can be written in Javascript or Typescript, however Typescript migrations should be transpiled before they are uploaded to the s3 bucket and run. See Umzug's examples for more on typescript migrations.

A migration file must export an up and down method.

Javascript Example

// 1.0.0__init.mig.js
exports.up = async ({context: {client}}) => {
    await client.query('create table if not exists users (id int, name text);')

exports.down = async ({context: {client}}) => {
    await client.query('drop table users;')

Typescript Example

// 1.0.0__init.mig.ts
import {Connection} from 'mysql'
import {MigrationParams} from 'umzug'
import {StorageContext} from 'byu-oit/terraform-aws-schema-migrations-lambda/lambda/dist/storage'

type Migration = (params: MigrationParams<StorageContext<Connection>>) => Promise<unknown>

export const up: Migration = async ({context: {client}}) => {
    await client.query('create table if not exists users(id int, name text);')

export const down: Migration = async ({context: {client}}) => {
    await client.query('drop table users;')


Name Type Description Default
app_name string Application name to give the schema migrations lambda function (e.g. hello-world-dev) REQUIRED
migration_files string Path and pattern to enumerate the schema migration files (e.g. ./migrations/dir/*.sql) REQUIRED
migrations_bucket_name string The name of the S3 Bucket name where this module will upload the schema migrations directory (defaults to <app_name>-schema-migrations) null
database object The RDS database connection information REQUIRED
vpc_config object VPC configuration to allow your Lambda function to access your RDS instance REQUIRED
role_permissions_boundary_arn string ARN of the IAM Role permissions boundary to place on each IAM role created REQUIRED
log_retention_in_days number CloudWatch log group retention in days 7
tags map(string) A map of AWS Tags to attach to each resource created {}
memory_size number The size of the memory of the lambda 128

Database Definition

Specify the database connection information for the schema migration lambda to connect to the desired RDS instance. The authentication credentials should belong to a user that has the necessary permissions to perform the schema migrations specified in your migrations directory.

Name Type Description Default
identifier string The rds instance identifier REQUIRED
ssm_username string The SSM parameter path for the username of a DDL user AWS SSM parameter name (e.g. /my/ssm/username) REQUIRED
ssm_password string The SSM parameter path for the password of a DDL user AWS SSM parameter name (e.g. /my/ssm/password) REQUIRED
name string The name of the database or schema where the tables reside aws_db_instance.db_instance.db_name
security_group_id string The security group id where the schema migration lambda access rule should be added REQUIRED

VPC Configuration Definition

The schema migrations lambda must run inside the same VPC as the RDS instance to which it will apply the schema migrations.

Name Type Definition
id string The ID of the VPC where this schema migration lambda should run
subnet_ids list(string) List of subnet IDs for the Lambda service
security_group_ids list(string) List of extra security group IDs to attach


Name Type Description
lambda_function object Created lambda function that runs the schema migrations
lambda_iam_role object Created IAM role for the lambda_function
schema_migrations_bucket object Created S3 Bucket where schema migration files are uploaded
cloudwatch_log_group object Created CloudWatch Log Group for the schema migration lambda logs


To add additional engine support, add a new client that implements a generic connection interface. Then implement the Umzug Storage class in the storage directory. Don't forget to add the newly created functionality to the respective index files, so it can be accessed by the lambda machinery.

All fixes or enhancements must pass the workflow tests. Only add tests where it makes sense to do so.

Follow this checklist to ensure your contribution is complete and speedily merged:

  1. Add tests where it makes sense to do so. Don't test external functionality.
  2. Properly lint the code base before submitting the PR (terraform fmt --recursive, npm run lint -- --fix).
  3. Consider deploying a test environment using the simple example (or add a new example to test your specific enhancement). This will not only ensure that the enhancement works, but the CI workflows will not pass if the terraform plan is unsuccessful.
  4. All CI workflows must pass before a PR can be merged.
  5. Merged PRs may be grouped together into a single release, so don't change the package version or update the tags until after the changes are merged into the master branch.


New features will first be deployed using the edge branch for testing new releases before they are published to the latest branch. The version tag should reflect the same version found in the Lambda package.json file.

Create and push a new tag representing the major (v1), minor (v1.0), and patch (v1.0.0) versions. If the tag already exists, you may force push a tag (see example below).

The publish workflow automatically deploys a new image to the byu-oit-terraform-prd AWS account, tagged according to the branch or tag name.

You can use the scripts release and tag to accomplish trigger the automatic deployment. If the tag or branch already exists, you will be prompted to confirm force pushes or to merge into an existing branch respectively.

# Create an edge and latest branch (this will fire the CI to create new ECR tags)
npm run release -- edge latest

# Create new git tags (this will fire the CI to create new ECR tags)
npm run tag -- v1 v1.0 v1.0.0