
far2l (Linux Far Manager) version of xTRD/xSCL/xISD/xCreate plugins for ZX Spectrum TR-DOS (and IS-DOS) disk images

Primary LanguageC++

ZX Spectrum Far plugins for Far2l (Linux)

This is a port of famous Far x-plugins by HalfElf and Alexander Medvedev to Linux version of the Far Manager. These plugins allow one to work with various disk image formats (such as .TRD, .SCL, .FDI, .TD0 and .UDI) as archives and easily extract or add files.

☑ xCreate
☑ xTRD
☑ xSCL
☑ xISD
☐ xLook


You may download prebuild packages from the Releases section. If you are on Debian/Ubuntu (only recent versions, which include far2l in repo), get the far2l-plugins-speccy_<version>_amd64.deb file and then install it with dpkg

sudo dpkg -i far2l-plugins-speccy_0.9_amd64.deb

If you use other Linux distributions, you could download far2l-plugins-speccy_<version>_amd64.zip archive and unzip it to the location of your far2l installation. Most likely it is /usr/lib/far2l/Plugins.

These packages are built against very small amount of dependencies (libc, libm, libgcc, libstdc++), so they should work for any 64-bit Linux distrubutions. However, if you experience any issues, rebuild them yourself (see the next section).


This projects requires several header files from far2l itself. Unfortunately, there is no separate headers package for it. So we use whole far2l repo as submodule to reference files from it.

So, the first build step is to update submodules. This will fetch far2l sources. None of them will be built, we only require few headers from there. Then we are ready for compilation.

git submodule update --init

Then use make deb target to build deb-package, or use make zip target to build the plugins as simple zip archive. See Installation section for instruction for the next steps.

Alternative option is to build plugins without packaging them

make release

Then copy contents of the release/usr/lib/far2l/Plugins directory to your far2l installation location. E.g. for Ubuntu:

sudo cp -r release/usr/lib/far2l/Plugins /usr/lib/far2l/Plugins/