Flutter widgets which aid in building applications using Atsign's technology
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bug(onboarding_flutter): There are 3 places to specify rootDomain in at_onboarding_flutter
#929 opened - 1
Resolve beta channel deprecation warnings
#905 opened - 6
- 0
- 0
Fix: 'onPopInvoked' is deprecated and shouldn't be used. Use onPopInvokedWithResult instead.
#864 opened - 0
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- 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 2
Hive type IDs clash with pre-existing IDs when integrating the atPlatform into an existing app
#827 opened - 1
- 1
Separate QR code function from onboarding
#813 opened - 5
- 2
Use textScaler instead of textScaleFactor
#790 opened - 1
Compile error for at_onboarding_flutter
#782 opened - 1
Move API to v3
#773 opened - 1
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at_sync_ui_flutter dependencies
#768 opened - 3
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at_location_flutter `flutter analyze` errors
#766 opened - 3
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at_backupkey_flutter dependency
#761 opened - 4
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- 0
Cleanup dependencies in at_widgets
#743 opened - 0
- 1
at_onboarding_flutter: OnboardingStatus.PKAM_PRIVATE_KEY_NOT_FOUND bug with Flutter Windows Apps
#726 opened - 2
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[Internationalization] AtOnboarding package
#624 opened - 7
[UI][MACOS] some widgets (Text widget, progess bar) are black with black background, so invisible
#623 opened - 1
(Arch discussion required) Improve handling in contacts widget for atSigns which no longer exist
#610 opened - 3
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