
Automatically add `preconnect` and `preload` `link` tags for your assets.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Ember CLI Link Pre

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ember-cli-link-pre scans your index.html and looks for <link rel="stylesheet"> and <script src="..."> tags then creates preconnect and preload links for those assets without needing to be configured. Even better, this only happens when you ship to production! Plays nicely with broccoli-asset-rev.

This addon uses broccoli-dom-filter behind the scenes and exposes an instance of jsdom.


ember install ember-cli-link-pre


It is possible to configure ember-cli-link-pre to manually inject link tags for either preconnect or preload. If you have templates that use external assets that aren't part of your Ember toolchain, you can configure this addon to inject the link tags you need.

Inside of your app's config/environment.js:

'use strict';

module.exports = function(environment) {
  let ENV = {
    ['ember-cli-link-pre']: {
      enabled: (environment === 'production'),
      preconnect: [
      preload: [

  return ENV;


config/environment.js ['ember-cli-link-pre'] object

  • enabled: (boolean) Enabled by default in production.
  • preconnect: (string[] || { url: string, as?: ('script' || 'style'), crossdomain?: ('anonymous' || 'use-credentials') }) An array of URLs. Can be objects if you need to customize crossdomain behavior or if the as attribute cannot be determined from the URL.
  • preload: (string[] || { url: string, as?: ('script' || 'style'), crossdomain?: ('anonymous' || 'use-credentials') }) An array of URLs. Can be objects if you need to customize crossdomain behavior or if the as attribute cannot be determined from the URL.
  • files: (string[] || RegExp[] || Array<function(path: string):boolean>) An array of files that to be scanned by the addon for modification. Defaults to index.html.
  • processors: (Array<function(jsdom: JSDOM, { preconnect: Link[], preload: Link[] }):JSDOM>) An array of processors that modify any matched files. Will always contain the built-in processor and will append any processor callbacks that are configured.


npm install
npm test


This project is licensed under the MIT License.