
Calculate total scores, return grades(A, B, C etc...), and provide distribution histogram of grades with functions of removing minimum score of quizzes.

Primary LanguagePython


Calculate total scores, return grades(A, B, C etc...), and provide distribution histogram of grades with functions of removing minimum score of quizzes.

It is python codes and use "python grade_counter2.py -i input_file -o output_file -r 5 -c 7 -t 300 -q yes -s 3 -e 8" to run!

File format

Example of input_file is provided as grades.txt.

Name	ID	quiz1	quiz2	quiz3	quiz4	exam1	exam2	journal_club	attendance	assignment	
Points	total	10	10	10	10	100	100	20	20	20	
NAME1	id1	5	6	7	8	99	80	20	20	10	
NAME2	id2	5	7	7	9	96	78	12	17	5	

Description of file format

Quizzes should locate first part of scores.

grade_counter.py requires "-i input_file -o output_file -r row_number -c column_number -t total_maximum_score -q quiz_removal_selection" and optional for "-s quiz_start_column -e quiz_end_column".

-h, --hele show this help message and exit

-i INPUT, --input INPUT input file name

-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT output file name

-r ROW, --row ROW row number; start position of grading in input file

-c COLUMN, --column COLUMN column number; start position of score in input file

-t TOTAL, --total TOTAL maximum score of total grade

-q QUIZ, --quiz QUIZ remove minimum score of quiz or not(answer; yes or no)

-s START, --start START column number; first quiz in input file, requires for "--quiz yes" function

-e END, --end END column number; last quiz in input file, requires for "--quiz yes" function


Total scores and grades for each students is provided as output_file.txt as followings.

Example of out_file is provided as finalgrades.txt.

NAME1	id1 250	B #from 2nd_line(students total scores and grade)
NAME2	id2 231	C #from 2nd_line(students total scores and grade)

Setting of grades are A>=92%, 92%>A->88%, 88%>B+>=84%, 84%>B>=80%, 80%>B->=76%, 76%>C+>=72%, 72%>C>=68%, 68%>C->=64%, 64%>D+>=60, 60%>D>=56%, 56%>D->=52%, and F<52%.

Distribution of grades and count of students (by histogram) is provided as output_file.pdf. Example of out_file is provided as finalgrades.pdf.