It is almost identical to atsushieno/aap-juce-adlplug as a plugin, but the entire build structure has changed and it is CMake based project now.
A short background on the build changes: it became impossible to maintain aap-juce-adlplug which was based on old JUCE and Projucer. Therefore I tried to migrate to ADLplug's CMake build setup, but turned out that it was not the CMake build system JUCE offers. And that prevented us from adopting it as AAP cmake support.
Since the actual plugin implementation should not be too different from what JUCE normally expects, we ended up creating another plugin build called ADLplug-AE.
The default build results only in OPNplug-AE, but it would be possible to also build ADLplug-AE. The build script is not implemented enough to do so yet.
Also: it builds but the aap_metadata.xml defaults everything to 0 (which seems to be the implemented behavior in ADLplug).